Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,59

rug. I squinted, examining it. It was white, like it was made of crystal, and composed of a thick circle and, in the center, the sign of infinity, which started shining when I set my eyes on it.

“Did you see that?” I asked, pointing to the symbol.

“See what?” Morgan asked.

But I didn’t answer. I tilted my head and saw it clearly; the infinity sign was the number eight lying sideways.

I stumbled back, my breathing coming in little snatches of air. “I’ve seen this symbol as long as I’ve had visions.”

“This is the creed’s symbol,” he explained. “The pantheon’s name is Everlasting Circle. We believe our gods are the true and only ones who exist. The others—Egyptians, Greeks, Celts, Mayans, and even the Christian God—are all based on the Everlasting Circle. However, with the appearance of other religions and myths, the Everlasting Circle was forgotten.”

“But why do I have visions about it?”

“If your visions are about the past, present, and future …” Morgan paused, reaching to a smaller rolled rug under his desk. He opened it over his desk. I gasped again.

The rug contained a drawing of three identical women with silver hair and gray eyes, wearing simple white dresses.

“I saw them with Ceris,” I whispered. “Who are they?”

“They are the Fates. Their names are Mani, Nay, and Lavni. Or, the past, the present, and the future, respectively. And, if what I’m suspecting is true, you have the Destiny Gift, a rare gift from them. In fact, I thought it was only a legend, or an idea.”

“What? Why?”

Morgan smile widened. “I have no idea, but this is exciting!”

“I’m not excited,” I almost shouted, then retreated to my guys. “I’m confused.”

“So,” Micah spoke up. “You’re saying that the things she sees are true?”

“Probably.” Morgan shrugged.

Oh God, so now what? Imha would torture me until I died to tell her something I didn’t even know. I would rather die now, without any suffering.

“But why would I have these visions?” I sat down on the chair so the world would stop spinning around me.

“A warning?” Morgan rolled the smaller rug up again. “Did you know your aura isn’t as strong as theirs?” He pointed to Victor and Micah.

“What do you mean?” Victor asked, finally speaking since we had arrived. He stood behind my chair.

“Your aura.” Morgan looked at Victor. “And his.” He pointed at Micah. “Are inexplicable. I’ve never heard of auras like yours. Now yours,” he said, looking at me, “it’s strong, stronger than all I have seen, but it’s nothing compared to theirs. So, perhaps, your aura shines because of your gift.” He looked at the guys again. “Now I wonder why your auras are so much stronger.”

I closed my eyes, feeling a headache coming. “Still, it doesn’t explain why I would have this gift, or whatever this is.”

Morgan sat in his chair. “Like I said, perhaps the Fates want to warn you of something that’s to come. Or maybe something that happened that they need you to look into.”

“But what?” The strength drained from me. I was so tired of thinking about this, of trying to put the puzzle pieces together.

“Why don’t you tell me about your visions—which ones seemed more vivid?” Morgan asked.

I held a laugh back. “All of them.” I told him about the first vision of the gods, the one about Levi and Mitrus disappearing after a fight, since it was the first out of the dream Victor pattern, but Morgan didn’t let me continue with the others. He paced in his tiny office.

“By the Everlast, so it is true,” he exclaimed.

“By the Everlast …?” I whispered, not following.

Morgan waved me off. “It’s an expression, associated with my creed.” He clasped his hands together. “We call the crystal palace you described the Clarity Castle. And that object they used to kill each other, it’s not a spike. Those are evil objects they aren’t allowed to make.” He laughed, sounding giddy. “Don’t you see? Your vision shows what happened thirty years ago. That’’s why the world is in chaos. My acolytes and I have been saying Imha took over, but we weren’t sure about it. We have been praying for Levi to regain control and balance the world once again, though we had no idea what happened to him. “This”—he pointed at me, and I assumed he meant my vision—“explains the darkness, the chaos, the evil that took over the world.” Morgan’s face was blanketed by worry and realization. “I can’t believe he’s dead. It can’t be. Imha will Copyright 2016 - 2024