Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,33

“What’s he doing now?”

“Carrying and opening boxes.” Raisa smiled. “He just looked at you again.”

“Oh God,” I turned, relaxing against the back of the bench and looking for Victor.

There he was, with a utility knife in his hand, opening a large box. His head was lowered and his messy hair fell over his face. I was used to the Victor with non-messy hair, but I had to admit, the hair-over-the-eyes look was totally hot. In fact, he looked handsome in jeans, a burgundy polo, and a brown suede jacket.

And yet, he was oblivious to the many girls staring at him, crazy to have his attention—me included.

Raisa broke through my thoughts. “You’re doing that thing again.”


“The thing with your hair.” She pointed her chin to me and, looking down, I found my index finger coiling a strand of my hair.

“Oh,” I muttered, untangling my finger and crossing my arms. Raisa laughed.

When I glanced at him, he was staring at me. My heart fluttered, but he averted his eyes. I felt like dying.

“I said I shouldn’t have come.” I stood, feeling hurt tears surging up.

“Don’t be silly. Sit down and enjoy the view.”

“I don’t think I should.” I was ready to argue, but Olivia was coming with three steaming foam cups.

“So, what happened in my absence?” she asked, handing us our coffees. I tasted mine, pleased it was mochaccino, my favorite.

“He looked away from her when she looked at him,” Raisa related.

“Really?” Olivia put a hand on her hip. “What a fool.”

“Well, girls, I’ll see you at home.” I raised my cup toward Olivia. “Thanks for the coffee.”

“No, you’re not going yet.” She pushed me back down on the bench. “I have an idea. I’ll be right back.” She turned and left again.

For the five minutes she was gone, I avoided looking at Victor, even when Raisa reported he was still staring at me.

My mouth fell open when Olivia came back holding two Spanish guitars.

“Are you insane?” I asked. A few curious people were already eyeing Olivia and the guitars in her hands, probably wondering what she was up to. “How did you get these?”

She handed me one of the guitars. “The music building.”

“You went there for these?”

“Yay! We’re going to have a show in the park,” Raisa yelled, causing several people to turn their gazes toward us.

I shook my head. “Oh no, we aren’t.”

“Come on, Nad, live a little.” Olivia ran her fingers over her guitar’s chords. “You love music. Surrender to it.”

I chuckled and shook my head. “I can’t believe we’re going to do this.”

“We are.” Olivia sat on the high back of the bench.

Well, why not? Victor knew I was here but ignored me. I didn’t have anything left to lose. I sat beside Olivia, and Raisa sat at the edge of the bench so she could turn and look at us.

“What are we singing?” I asked, a bit nervous knowing Victor would be hearing and watching me.

“Let’s start with something slow, to warm up and call in our public,” Olivia suggested. “How about the one we sang the other day?” When I nodded, Olivia added, “You pull it since your vocals are much better than mine.”

Again, I just nodded, butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

We started, and I let go of my voice, knowing most everyone in the park could hear it—and enjoy it. I might be shy most of the time, but I knew how good my voice was. By the end of the first song, several students and professors surrounded us, asking for more.

Smiling, proud of myself, I glanced through the crowd and found Victor’s eyes. He was still under the stand he was helping set up, working now to put together some tables. I wasn’t sure, but I thought the corner of his lips twisted in a faint smile. He nodded at me and I nodded back.

Game on.

Olivia and I went through a long list of the more popular songs and displayed a variety of genres: country, ballad, light rock, R&B, and pop.

All the while, my gaze flickered to Victor, and many times I found him watching me. By the end of the performance, our audience had increased and took up much of the park’s center. Quite a few asked if I was in the music program like Olivia. I wished I could say I was.

After more requested songs, I noticed Victor wasn’t anywhere to be seen. It was getting late, and I still had to study for my biology exam, so I threw in the Copyright 2016 - 2024