Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,32

her in my inbox.

Hi, Nad. I had to go to Chicago to meet with some associates. I’ll be back soon. BTW, if you ever change your mind about talking to someone about your tuning out episodes, I left a business card in your nightstand drawer. Take care, XOXO. Cher.

I blew out a breath, disappointed. Cheryl traveled all the time, going to Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and other major cities, but she always took my calls or answered my emails. I knew I shouldn’t take her email personally, but I felt even more alone now than I had before.

My cell phone rang, and the caller ID identified Raisa. I took the call and heard her excited voice come over the line. “You have to come here right now! Olivia and I are at Washington Square. Victor is here with his friends.”

Against my wishes, my heart throbbed and my stomach knotted.

“The square is being set up for the carnival on Saturday,” Raisa continued. “Some are helping and some are watching.” She giggled, and I already understood what her part in it was.

I glanced toward my unopened drawer, where the card of someone who could help me with my insanity awaited me. Well, the card wouldn’t go anywhere. Victor, however, wouldn’t stay at the square for too long.

“Be right there,” I told her, excitement bubbling inside me. I disconnected, went to my closet to change into more suitable clothing, then left my apartment to see the man of my dreams. Or my reality.

Chapter Twelve

I found Olivia and Raisa at the park, seated on a wooden bench, observing the commotion going on around them.

“You clean up nicely,” Raisa teased me.

I flushed and stuck my tongue out at her. I’d tried not to go overboard since we were hanging out at the park. I’d chosen tight dark blue jeans, a thin white sweater, and matching beige boots and purse. Plus, I had combed my hair until it shone and applied black mascara to accentuate my dark green eyes.

I sat beside them. “What did I miss?”

“Nothing much,” Olivia answered. “The graduate students are running around like crazy setting up the stands and organizing the games. We’re laughing and gossiping.”

I rolled my eyes.

“He was there a few minutes ago.” Raisa pointed toward a white stand not too far from where we were. “I think it’s where you can donate blood.”

I nodded and remained quiet, my hands pressed hard against my thighs to stop their trembling from spreading through my whole body.

The girls fell into easy conversation—and gossip—while I scanned the surroundings, looking for Victor.

Twenty minutes later, there was still no sign of him.

“I guess he isn’t coming back,” I said, my spirit sinking. I turned to the girls. “Thanks, though, for calling me.”

“It’s okay, Nad.” Raisa patted my hand. “We know you would have done the same for us.”

I smiled. “Yeah, I sure would.”

“I’m glad to know that,” Olivia said. “But you shouldn’t move. He’s back and he just saw you.” I froze. My heart flipped as she watched something past my shoulder with a smile. “Don’t turn yet. Keep talking to us as if you didn’t know he was here.”

“Okay,” I whispered, feeling my palms sweating. “At least tell me what he’s doing.”

“Staring at you,” Raisa said, pretending to scan around nonchalantly.

“He is?”

Olivia nodded. “Yeah. I think he’s trying to focus on helping out, but every few seconds he glances at you.”

“Oh God.” I was shaking. Raisa held my hand. “What do I do? Should I wave if our eyes meet?” I felt like I was thirteen again. Getting mushy over a guy. But this was Victor. Or at least the real-world equivalent of Victor.

“I dunno.” Olivia stood. “How is it when you two meet?”

“Good question. It was weird,” I said, hoping to deviate from the topic. “We’ve never had an actual conversation. Mostly, we snap at each other.”

“Really?” Her brows moved up. “’Cause the way he’s looking at you, I would say he’s at least curious about you.”

Curious might be the right word. After all, I could weirdly lessen his pain and dizzy spells with a simple touch. But curiosity wasn’t good enough.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have come.”

“No, stay here.” Olivia held her hand out to stop me. “I’m gonna go buy coffee for us. At least stay until I get back so Raisa won’t be alone.”

Raisa turned her hazel eyes to me, batting her lashes, and I laughed.

“All right,” I agreed, watching as Olivia rushed to the nearest coffee shop. I was crazy about coffee. Copyright 2016 - 2024