Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,27

a motivational speaker.

At her tone, a reluctant smile appeared on my face. “Cheryl, I’ve never heard you speak like that before.”

“Well, I believe that when you think you found the one, you shouldn’t give up easily.”

I had always wondered if she’d ever been in love. I started whirling my hair again, but stopped a second later. I had to stop with this habit. “And you, Cheryl? You’re talking like you know the feeling, but I’ve never seen you with a guy, and you’ve never spoken of anyone special.”

Her silver eyes became dull. “I lost the love of my life many years ago.”

“Oh my God! I’m so sorry.”

“I’ve never told anyone. I don’t think I’m ready to go looking for another romance. The truth is I don’t think I’ll ever be ready.”

I reached for her hand and squeezed it. “I think I understand.” If Victor kept rejecting me, I figured I’d become bitter and alone fast.

“The past is past.” She perked up. “Now, we must do something about your case.”

I chuckled at her renewed spirit. “What do you suggest?”

“Find out where he will be, what he will do. Be there, stare at him, practice some provocative moves with Raisa. I’m sure she knows all about those. Nadine, you have to try.”

My chest still ached from Victor-not-Victor’s rejection, but what Cheryl said was true. I had to try. I truly felt like he was the one for me—at least the one from my dreams—and until I was sure this Victor was not the one I thought he was, I wouldn’t give up.

Chapter Ten

Somehow, Adam found out I was feeling better and, after talking to our manager, informed me I was to work double shifts on Saturday and Sunday to compensate for the days I’d missed during the week.

As a result, when I arrived home Saturday night and was invited by Raisa to go to the club with her, I had to refuse. I felt exhausted and useless. There was no way I could go out, even if there was a possibility of the real Victor being there. As it was, I found out on Sunday he’d been at the club with two classmates.

“He’s totally hot, but Nad, please, he has this permanent I’m-mad-with-the-world look.” Raisa also told me a few girls tried to talk to him, and he turned them down. “I think he was rude to them.” Then she mentioned how his stance was stoic and detracting at the same time. “He doesn’t look like a bad boy. He just looks antisocial and annoyed.”

So I wasn’t the only one he mistreated or the only one who noticed how his posture shouted “back off.” That was sort of a relief.

When the hospital called me to schedule an interview, my hands started sweating. There was a big chance I would run into Victor there, and despite the fact I wanted to see him and talk to him, I didn’t know if I was ready to face him yet. But there was nothing I could do. I needed this job. I agreed on an interview time, right after my shift was over on Monday evening.

Destiny or not, I literally bumped into Victor’s grandma when I left the human resources office after my interview.

“I’m so sorry, ma’am.” I grabbed her arm to steady her. Bianca Gianni was old and fragile, with a neat white bun and gentle wrinkles adorning her still beautiful face. Sadly, she was alone. No Victor.

“I’m fine, dear,” she said, her parched tone revealing how sick she really was. But she found the energy to smile at me. She wasn’t as tall as her grandson, but she was still much taller than I. “I was close to the walls and doors. You know, in case I trip.” She chuckled and I grinned.

Hmm. Ideas sprouted in my mind. “Do you need any help getting somewhere?”

“No, no, dear. I’m just stretching my legs. I get tired of spending most of my day in these damned hospital beds.” Her dull laugh became a couple of dried coughs. “I apologize for my inappropriate words.”

“No need to apologize.” I stepped back, letting her pass me and get on with her walk. If what my vision Victor had told me was right, she stumbled over her feet all the time, and I would be there to offer her my arm for support.

Not even ten seconds later, Bianca did trip and, when I offered assistance, she accepted it.

“There aren’t many nice young ladies around anymore,” she said with a Copyright 2016 - 2024