Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,28

gentle smile. Oh, if only she knew.

“You know,” I said, prepared to use bribery to find out what I wanted to know while we strolled through the hospital’s sterilized corridors. I had a chance to prove if all I knew about the Gianni family was right. “I was on my way to the cafeteria to buy a cocoa cappuccino. Would you like one?”

Her green eyes brightened. “I would love one,” she exclaimed, then lowered her voice. “My grandson would kill me if he knew I had one. You see, I shouldn’t eat chocolate or drink coffee. And certainly not both at once.”

I chuckled at the old lady’s enthusiasm. I loved the fact that during one of my visions, Victor had commented how it was hard to keep his grandmother away from chocolate and coffee and some other things she shouldn’t consume in excess.

My heart rate rocketed. Oh God, it was true!

“I won’t tell him if you don’t,” I whispered, and she eagerly agreed, looking like a child who was about to get a new toy.

After getting cocoa cappuccinos, Bianca and I sat at one of the cozy internal gardens the hospital had built after the darkness had taken over. By then, we had formally introduced ourselves, and she had told me about her illness—like in my visions, she had stomach cancer.

“I don’t think I have much time left,” she confessed, seated by my side on one of the wooden benches. She had on a heavy wool coat, but she looked cold. I considered getting her inside, but she seemed so relaxed next to the living plants. “I try to be strong, you know. I have to. Otherwise, I don’t know what will become of my grandson.”

To keep her talking, I pretended I didn’t know what she meant. I asked questions I knew the answers to just to make sure we were talking about the same Victor. “Where are his parents?”

“Oh, they died when Victor was thirteen, dear.” Her voice was strained. “My husband, my son, and his wife were in a store that was robbed. The criminal became nervous and shot everyone.”

I nodded, recalling when he had told me about it. “I’m so sorry.”

I was going to ask more, but a shadow fell over me. I glanced back and found Victor glaring at me.

“Grandma.” His tone was dangerously low. “What are you doing outside? And with a stranger?”

“She isn’t a stranger,” Bianca said. “Her name is Nadine, and she’s a nice young woman. She’s in the NYU pre-health program and just had an interview for a position within the hospital.” His grandma sounded like she was trying to sell him on me. I didn’t like it. And, from what I could see, neither did Victor. She turned to me. “I apologize for his behavior.”

“You don’t need to apologize for me,” he retorted. “I’ll apologize when I think it’s necessary.”

“Then at least be polite,” she chided him. I guessed that was a regular situation, seeing as she had raised him since his parents’ deaths.

He puffed up but remained quiet.

“I’m sorry,” I muttered, smiling feebly at Bianca. “It was nice meeting you.”

“Oh, it was nice to meet you too, dear.” She reached out and patted my face. “If you ever come around again, I wouldn’t mind your visit.”

My weak smile widened, but it was short lived since Victor’s glare made my whole being wilt.

Afraid of answering, I just nodded. “Goodbye,” I said.

I stalked away, wanting distance from this rude, cruel Victor whose sharp voice I could hear behind me. He reproached his grandma for talking to me and for trusting a stranger. Even as tears brimmed in my eyes, I hummed to myself to mute his offensive words. How could the two Victors look so alike yet be so different?


The next day I left my apartment in a hurry, nearly late for work. Ugh, I had never been this disorganized before. I was usually the most punctual, ordered, and responsible person. Now, I was a jumble of messy thoughts and goals. I wanted to get on with my life, to make it to the end of a normal day like a normal person with normal problems.

When Micah stepped in front of me, I realized my normal day would have to wait. The air swept out of my lungs. With thoughts of Victor consuming my energy, I had forgotten about Micah and how gorgeous he was.

Like some dark stallion, he was dressed in black, except for the T-shirt, which was white. Black pants, Copyright 2016 - 2024