Despite the Angels - By Madeline A Stringer Page 0,151

cha-cha and being madly popular with all the wrong women; I’m on my toes keeping him from getting too tightly embroiled with any of them. Carmel is a great help, keeping him away from most of the younger ones and that had a good spin off value, she voted for divorce and so did a lot of her friends. She’s a persuasive woman and she’s so fond of our David she wanted the best for him. And enough others like us were obviously working too, a lot of Davids and Lucys out there and a few Carmels, so the law is changed. But there is our Lucy, learning to dance her chakras! What possessed you to let her join that class?”

“She heard about it at art therapy. Actually, I think it helped her to centre her energies and realise what was going on, how much energy she was losing to Martin. He was doing fine and she was becoming exhausted.”

“Well, thankful for small mercies, I suppose. Nothing wasted, even if you didn’t plan it.”

“It did cross my mind. I’m not a totally useless guide!”

“I didn’t suggest you were. So which of them should move? We’d better be clear about it, or they’ll both move and we’ll be no better off.”

“Good plan,” said Trynor, “perhaps we should write a list, like Lucy does?”

“Next time round, I certainly think so. Or call in some older guides to keep an eye on us. This time, I think Lucy should move class. The ballroom dancing is sociable, so I can’t see how I’d get David out of it. And if she learnt the steps, they could dance together again, like they have before and you remember where that led, every time!” Jotin’s eyes twinkled.

“You’re right. I’ll get working on it. You keep David safe in the meanwhile. Apart from Carmel, is he interested in anyone at the moment?”

“Mildly. He’s had coffee after the class a few times with a woman called Mary. She’s pleasant, separated like him, but it’s not very intense. The minute he sees Lucy it’ll be goodbye Mary.”

“Have you pushed him to go for a divorce? He’ll qualify when it comes in next year, Kathleen has been gone for four years already, that’s long enough. Not that they have to be married to have a baby, not these days.”

“You’ve forgotten, we had a vasectomy. It’ll take him a while to realise he should think of getting it reversed. If that even works; I don’t think we can be sure of it. But he has thought of divorce, he had several drinks to celebrate when the referendum was passed. He told the girls that it was probably the three of them and Carmel that swung it!”

“Work on them both to get divorced,” Mohmi broke in, “My idea depends on it.”

“How are things going with your idea?” Trynor was still a bit excited, everything had changed for Lucy so recently.

“I’m still working on the details. Be patient, there’s no rush.”

“No. And I think Lucy shouldn’t meet David just yet. She is too sensible to allow herself to fall for anyone she meets on the rebound. That’s why she stayed so long with Martin.”

“Why?” Jotin was puzzled, “What rebound was she on?”

“No, I mean she is sensible. Prides herself on it. Always makes her head rule her heart, she’s been shouting me down for years, only just started listening. If she’d listened sooner, she’d never have got involved with that wastrel in the first place. Down with sensible! Long live listening!”

“Hear, Hear,” said Jotin and Mohmi, and they all laughed.

Chapter 53

“So, can we do it this life, do you think?” Jotin was lounging on some soft grass, looking up at Trynor and Mohmi, who were sitting on a bench eating strudel with whipped cream. “Can we actually get them together? They’re both single at last, we had better get on with it quickly. Your Lucy is a beautiful young woman still, someone else might grab her. Get her into flowered shirts and I’ll get David into her vicinity, then we can relax. I hope.”

Trynor wiped cream off his mouth. “Your idea working out, Mohmi?”

“Yes, it’s all systems go, as they say on earth. I’ll explain when you’ve got them together. Just don’t worry about Dawn, Moonsong, she’ll be able to join them eventually.” Mohmi finished the strudel and got up. “I’m going to learn how to create flowers next. Not so tasty, but beautiful. I’m starting with snowdrops. See you.”

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