Despite the Angels - By Madeline A Stringer Page 0,150

Aisling was looking up at Lucy, “if he goes on he should stand in the Naughty Square, like in Robbie’s classroom.” She closed her eyes. Lucy looked down at her and her eyes filled up. Out of the mouths of babes, she thought, she is right. And I don’t think the naughty square is anywhere in this house. She leant over and kissed Aisling on the forehead, quietly tiptoed out of the room and crept across the landing. Martin was snoring. Lucy eased into the bedroom and opened the wardrobe, pulling out the single duvet that was there for visitors. Then she went downstairs and rolled herself up in it on the couch in the living room and fell into a heavy sleep. Trynor tried to make sure she didn’t dream.

Chapter 52

Trynor was excited and went in a flurry of energies to discuss this development with Jotin and Mohmi. They were waiting for him, with a table laid with a white cloth, holding several dishes. Jotin called over to him.

“Look! Mohmi’s told me she’s able to make food! I've tasted some. Not quite as good as the real stuff on earth, but worth trying. It might save you a return trip.”

Mohmi waved a hand towards the table.

“Guten Appetit! I’ve been trying for ages to create a strudel. You can tell me how successful I’ve been. And I’ve done latkes, though I can’t seem to get them properly crisp, and some weisswurst- those are easier, they have almost no taste anyway. Try them.”

“Did you make any mustard?”

“Sorry, I forgot. That would be tricky.”

“Mmm, the latkes aren’t bad,” Trynor was talking with his mouth full, “maybe need a bit of salt.” Mohmi closed her eyes and waved her hands with great concentration. Trynor took another bite. “Yes, well done. You’ve been practising this, I think?”

“For hundreds of years. Haven’t done these exact recipes before.”

“Did you know we had reason to celebrate? That Lucy eventually realised she can’t stay with Martin?”

“Yes, we’d heard. How is it going?”

“Not bad. There was a great row one morning, Martin was hung over and made things worse by trying to defend himself. Lucy said she was never going to sleep with him again and that he could set up a camp bed in the garden shed. And he said he had more sense than that and that he would go to Colm’s. So he did. He’s there now and Roki is furious, because there is a big row there now, Colm’s wife is not as keen on Martin as Colm is.”

“How are Lucy and the children?”

“Lucy is stunned at how easy it was. Aisling saw how upsetting Martin’s behaviour was and understands a little. Robbie is less sure, but Lucy has told him he can see his Dad whenever he wants, so long as he lets her know, so he’s calm at the moment. Lucy is organising for the two of them to go to ‘Rainbows’ groups for some support. And she has made an appointment with a solicitor. So full steam ahead on the meeting!”

“Haven’t you forgotten, it mightn’t be plain sailing?” Jotin was speaking softly. “Mohmi’s alternative idea might not work out and there’s not as much point getting them to meet if they can’t have the baby. It’s Moonsong insisting on having them as parents again. Maybe, once she’s an adult and can cope on her own we should move them on to another life quickly and make them both the same sex - and straight - so they can notice their abilities and get on with inventing something!”

“No, I want to watch them grow old together, after all this. If something comes up later we can re-think on that and get them out of here quickly. Car accidents are ten a penny. But for now we should let them have some fun,” Trynor was on to the strudel now, “like I’m having now, this is great. Not quite as good as the real thing, but not half bad at all. Well done, Mohmi.”

“Thank you. Pleased to be of assistance. I’ve been talking to Moonsong again, about how to manage this time round. And she’s happy whatever we can arrange. So I’m fine tuning my plan now, looking for actual people and guides to help. We have a few years, if they aren’t actually together yet.”

“No, we have to work on that,” Jotin said “For a start, you have to get her into the right dancing class. There’s David, learning the waltz and the Copyright 2016 - 2024