Demon's Vengeance The Complete - Jocelynn Drake Page 0,141

the unicorns and driven them to extinction, but it couldn’t be done with one warlock and another who’d never finished his apprenticeship. Vincent had centuries of experience and access to power that I couldn’t tap on my best day. At my peak, I couldn’t use the same powers that Vincent had punched through me . I needed an edge, something to level the playing field, or we were all dead.

Pulling my wand out of my left sleeve, I pushed the tip into the palm of my left hand as I looked over at Serah. “Stay there with Trixie and don’t move until I tell you,” I said in a calm voice.

“Gage,” Trixie rasped, fear filling her wide green eyes.

I wanted to apologize to her. To reassure her that everything would be okay. But as I hovered on the precipice in that second, I knew the road I stood on would take me farther away from the woman I loved. There would be no going back. There was only this road or death. I gave her a small smile. I was choosing life for her and my child.

Using my wand like a knife, I cut the demon’s symbol into my palm. As I finished the last line, I whispered the words of the spell I used to unlock the doorway. And the whole world changed in the blink of an eye.

I roared as a torrent of energy flooded into my frame, lifting me up until my toes barely scraped the ground. My arms were flung out to my sides as the energy filled every fiber of my being. Pain was erased and I felt alive!

No, it was better than that. I felt powerful. It wasn’t the same power that I tapped into every time I cast a spell. It wasn’t the energy cast by every living creature on the planet. This was darker magic, drawing from the well of energy in the Underworld. This was the power of the demons. True death magic.

As I slowly settled back down onto my feet, a darkness fully cloaked me, wrapping its way around my soul. I could feel a low chuckle echo up through my body before thumping against my brain. Zyrus. The demon was no longer outside, terrorizing anyone who came close. No, the demon was now inside of me and reveling in its newfound freedom. It could now feel things in ways it never could before when set loose upon this world. Dark, malicious emotions twined with mine, blending and merging so that it was difficult to determine where I ended and the demon began. The next laugh I heard rumbled up my own throat.

Vincent froze a couple feet from Gideon and stared at me. There was a mix of horror and hatred in his lean face, twisting his features so that his inner insanity and ugliness were visible to the naked eye. A grin stretched my mouth wide and the demon’s twisted joy washed through me and became my own. Together, we had the power to take down the unicorn, and Vincent knew it.

His eyes darted back to Gideon as the warlock moved slowly, trying to push into a sitting position. The unicorn lunged at him. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to attack him or simply trying to use him as a shield, but we weren’t going to allow it. Dropping my wand on the ground, I reached out both hands and threw out a chunk of the energy boiling within me, throwing Vincent toward the wall farthest from Gideon. A pain-filled cry rose from the unicorn as he crashed against it and fell to his knees.

I walked deeper into the warehouse, sparing a quick glance at Gideon, who was now watching me in stunned horror. The air crackled and snapped with magical energy. Overhead lights popped out but were quickly replaced by glowing red orbs hovering in the air. Zyrus stirred within me as I neared the injured warlock, sensing an easy target.

He caused you trouble, my master.

“He’s not our target,” I snarled, forcing the demon to focus on the unicorn that was rising to his feet.

He will harm us. We will have to kill him later.

“Later.” I clamped down on my control of the demon and closed the distance between myself and Vincent, which helped Zyrus to forget about Gideon. The demon he’d glimpsed something from the future regarding Gideon, but I couldn’t worry about that now. I had enough trouble in my present to deal with. Copyright 2016 - 2024