Demon's Vengeance The Complete - Jocelynn Drake Page 0,140

Serah popped out a spent magazine as she ran, leaving it to clatter against the concrete floor and reaching for a fresh one from her coat pocket. The TAPSS investigator turned and fired again.

As Gideon aimed a new and lethal spell at Vincent, I magically jerked some rusted rebar free from a partially crumbling pillar. The steel rod whistled through the air as it cut across the warehouse, chasing behind Missy until it finally caught her. With a twist of my wrist, the rebar wrapped around the woman, pinning her arms against her sides and trapping her legs together so that she dropped to her knees with an enraged scream.

“Keep your gun on her!” I shouted at Serah while I turned my attention back to Vincent. The unicorn needed to go down, if only for a few moments. Anything so I could get Trixie out of danger.

Taking my lead from Gideon, I tried to match a second binding spell to the one he was attempting, hoping that power from both of us might work.

But still, Vincent waved it off with a yawn. “Here. Allow me to give you a lesson.”

I didn’t have time to even flinch at those words. The magical energy crushed me to the ground. It wasn’t the same as when he’d used Death Magic, but rather it tasted sweet like spun sugar and caramel apples. Yet, it was tainted and twisted, leaving you sure that the caramel also contained poison. Pain clamped down on my muscles and my scream was echoed by Gideon’s. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the warlock hit the ground a second before me.

I blinked and found myself staring at Trixie. Her mouth was open, but I couldn’t hear her shouting over the roar in my ears. Or maybe that was my own screaming. The blood in my veins was on fire, pouring through my body so that it ignited each organ. The elf strained against the ropes that held her arms behind her. She was getting free, but I was afraid that she’d come to me if she did. I didn’t want her to save me. I wanted her out of here. I wanted her safe.

The pain suddenly eased. My gaze darted to Vincent to find that blood had blossomed on his shoulder. With Missy somewhat secure, Serah got one shot off at the unicorn, but now she had his attention. The TAPSS investigator dropped her gun to her side and took a wary step back toward her captive. Missy snarled as she struggled to get free. Blood soaked her long-sleeved cotton shirt from her gunshot wounds, but she didn’t seem to notice. The rebar was keeping her trapped and all she wanted to do was to tear into Serah. But she didn’t need to. Vincent was about to do that.

“Vincent!” I shouted, my voice hoarse from screaming.

“Later,” the unicorn muttered, making a little shoving motion in my direction so that I stumbled back to the ground as the wave of magic hit me.

Gideon caught on that we needed to be more direct in our approach. He punched Vincent with a nasty spell that was meant to boil the creature’s flesh off his bones. A small shriek cut through the air as Vincent wasn’t able to immediately unwind the spell. Large red blisters broke out across his hands and face before popping, making it look like his skin was starting to ooze away.

With a snarl, Vincent made a single slashing motion at Gideon and the warlock went down with a gasp. He landed on his side facing me and I could see that the front of his shirt had been shredded and was becoming dark red with his blood. Gideon didn’t move for several seconds despite the fact that Vincent was closing in on him.

“Vincent!” I screamed, trying to draw the unicorn away from my companion, but he paused only long enough to toss a spell behind his shoulder. I cringed, waiting for it to hit, but it never did. Trixie screamed, her body twisting against her bonds as she attempted to get away.

Swearing vehemently, I quickly unraveled the spell attacking the elf as I pushed to my feet. Her screams stopped a second later and she nodded her thanks to me. With Vincent’s attention trained on Gideon, Serah rushed over to start cutting through Trixie’s ropes.

For a breath, the world slowed down and everything became startlingly clear. Gideon and I couldn’t beat Vincent. The Towers might have crushed Copyright 2016 - 2024