A Demon's Harmony - E.C. Land Page 0,25

they’re concerned. I know Dragon and a couple of his brothers went on that side of town and had a few words with Trevor.

As much as it chafes me that they did it, it came from a good place in their hearts. We’re all family to them even if we don’t wear the patch. It’s been that way since they first moved to town several years ago.

Glancing toward the mirror that separates us from where Alexis works, I frown at not seeing her sitting at her desk. Maybe she decided to go to the other room to get away from me for a bit.

“Did you see Alexis out there?” I ask Chaz soon as he steps into the room and closes the door.

“No why?” he frowns, shaking his head.

“I don’t know. She’s not at her desk, just wanted to make sure she was still here. I’ll be right back. I won’t focus until I know she didn’t leave,” I mutter as my gut turns.

Something isn’t right.

Leaving the room, I stop by Alexis’ desk and notice her purse isn’t where she keeps it nor is her phone on the desk. I rush toward the front of the shop where Bethany is sitting at her desk and glance around not finding my woman anywhere.

“Did you see Alexis?” I ask, my heart racing in my chest.

“No. I thought she was still in the back at her desk,” she says, frowning.

“Shit, she’s left,” I growl, scrubbing my hands over my face roughly.

“I’ll call Gadget, see if he can’t track her phone,” Lex states from behind me. I hadn’t even realized he or the others had followed me in here.

Nodding I pull my own phone out and call Alexis.

“I know you're probably pissed but I had to leave,” she says first thing upon answering the phone.

“You’re damn right I’m pissed. What the fuck babe?” I snarl.

“If you give me a minute, I’ll explain it to you,” Alexis snaps back.

“Start explaining,” I demand as I hear Lex disconnecting from his phone call. Turning to face him, his expression hard.

“She’s heading toward Lori’s house,” he mouths.

“I got a call from Lori she’s hurt and needed someone,” Alexis says, confirming what Lex just informed me of. Damnit, of course that stupid fuckin’ wicked bitch would call my woman. No matter who it is if you call Alexis she’ll be there. She cannot stand to see anyone hurt. It’s why I’ve been keeping a close eye on her to make sure she didn’t do anything stupid. I turn my back for five fuckin’ minutes and look what happens.

“Baby, if she’s hurt then she should have called someone else. Not you. You need to get back here where you’re protected by us,” I say calmly even though I don’t feel remotely close to it.

“I’ll be back soon. Besides, one of the guys from the club is following me,” she says, and I stiffen.

That’s not possible. The club needed all hands-on deck today with something they had going on with one of their businesses. We’d offered to help as well, but Twister said they’d had it under control. Something to do with the Fire Marshall being called and having to do some renovations on one of the businesses otherwise it’d be shut down.

Now she’s out there with a biker following her and doesn’t even realize that it might not be one of the good guys.

“Alexis, listen to me. That’s not one of the guys from the club. Turn around and come back to the shop.” I close my eyes and wait for her to let that sink in.

“Tanner, I can’t leave Lori. She was attacked and needed someone to help her. I’ll grab her and come right back to the shop,” she states.

“No, come back now. I’ll go over there and get her for you,” I offer.

“I’m already pulling into her driveway. I’ll call you back soon as I get back in the car. I love you and you can yell at me later, but I’m not going to let her be alone while injured and hurt.” This is why I love this woman so fuckin’ much even though right now I want to strangle her. She’s got a big as fuck heart and doesn’t know when to use her head first sometimes.

“Fine, but don’t hang up, Alexis. I’m not taking any chances that this isn’t a fuckin’ setup for you,” I snap as I head for my car. My brothers follow directly behind me.

“Okay, but it’s just Lori she’s harmless,”

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