A Demon's Harmony - E.C. Land Page 0,23

for the rest of time.”

“Fuckin’ hell I’m going have another grandkid.”

“Guess you better start saving up gramps,” Lex chortles.

“Fuck you, I’ll just open a damn savings account for both my Melly – Bean and this one. That way I can avoid that God damn forsaken swear jar,” Tombstone grins.

Shaking my head at them, I turn my attention back to Alexis who’s smiling weakly at the couple.

Sitting her in her chair, I squat down in front of her. “Baby look at me,” I say softly and wait for her to focus on me.

When she does, I lift a hand to cup her cheek. “I’m not going to lose you. Not after just getting you back. We finally both pulled our heads out of our asses. Don’t let this person win by getting under your skin. I will keep you safe just as Chaz will keep his daughter safe. Got me?”

Nodding, Alexis lets out a sigh and closes her eyes. “I got you, Tanner. I just don’t want Melody hurt because of me. I don’t even know who this person is that’s threatening her or myself. Who would go after a little girl?”

“I don’t know but we’ll find out. Remember we’re in this together. For better or worse. No more keeping things like this in the dark,” I say leaning up to press a kiss to her mouth.

“For better or worse. I promise,” Alexis says, and I can see a hint of a smile. Yeah that’s my woman, strong and not letting anything keep her down.

We’ll find who’s doing this to her and when we do, I’m slitting their throat personally. I know plenty of places around here to bury a body and have it not be found.

Chapter 14


Having a threat loom over your head, leaves less to be desired. From the moment everyone heard what that person said to me, they’ve all been on high alert. Tanner had even called Gadget and Dragon over to talk to them about it. Who in turn called the rest of their brothers to come help out.

Now I don’t go anywhere without Tanner or a prospect following me.

I protested at first but then Hades gazed down at me with a stern look as he crossed his arms. “You want to continue hanging around my ol’ lady and Nora then you have someone watching you. If not, then you don’t get to hang with either of them until after this shit blows over. They’ve both been through enough shit to have to go through more.”

I could understand where he was coming from, so I relented. Besides, my niece was at risk as well. I didn’t want anyone to be hurt because of me.

With changing my number, the calls stopped. However, they were replaced with notes being left on my car and in random places. I’ve found them everywhere from my grandma’s home to on my desk at the shop. The craziest one I have received thus far came to the shop this morning with a dozen sunflowers.

The note attached sent shivers down my spine.

My beautiful pure love. Leave him before you contaminate your blood line. It is bad enough to watch you fuck him. I will not have you carrying his filth as well. You have been warned more than once. This is your final warning. Do not think I will not go for that girl. Bikers may surround her, but they will not see me coming. None of you will unless you come to me first.

Until then my sweet, sweet love


“I want to know who this MLT person is,” Tanner sneers as he reads the note for the second time.

“I don’t even think I know anyone with those initials,” I murmur as I try to think of someone, anyone who would but I keep coming up blank.

“Whoever this person is, they’re off their rocker,” Hunter grumbles, taking the note from Tanner to read it again.

“Well they do have good taste in flowers; however, these can leave now since they are tainted by the person who ordered them,” Bethany says holding the vase out in front of her.

“Hold on Fairy girl, I’ll take those out. You sit and relax,” Chaz states as he takes the vase out of Bethany’s hands.

“I’m more than capable of throwing a thing of flowers away,” Bethany huffs as she tries to snatch the vase back.

“I know you are, but if it’s all the same I’ll do it,” Chaz grins.

“For the love of Christ. I’m pregnant not some fragile weakling,” the woman

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