A Demon's Harmony - E.C. Land Page 0,16

two of them. It’s hilarious. Chaz will read something from her music notebook, love it and start playing it for her. She’ll get mad and snatch the book, yell at him before taking off for their part of the house.”

“Oh my God, is it sad I wish I could see that happen? Then again I wouldn’t want to live in the same house as everyone else.” Nora giggles.

“It’s honestly not bad. I love it. We all have our own space,” I shrug.

“Okay, so let’s change the subject, when are you going to get mister hunk stripped down and do the dirty?” Emerson asks, wagging her brows up and down like you see in those cheesy movies.

“Don’t even go there. The day he was hurt he’d wanted to. I had no problem with us doing the dirty. Hell, I wanted it just as badly. If it wasn’t for the fact he’d been hurting, I’d have been seeing stars. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. We’ve yet to do anything but some major kissing and groping.”

“Well then, may I suggest you get him alone and demand he fuck your brains out. It’s been how long since the two of you fucked last,” Emerson says.

“Too long,” I mutter, the last time we’d had sex was right before my sister died and that was the first time since the night we married. Shit, I probably have cobwebs built up in there from not having been used in almost six years.

“Screw going back to the shop. I say go on home, shower, pamper yourself a little, put something sexy on, and be ready for him to rip it off when he walks in the room.” Nora declares and I have to say I love her idea.

“You’re right. I’m gonna head on out of here and get myself ready,” I say, pulling my wallet out to lay some cash out for my coffee. “I’ll see you all later.”

“Go get ‘em tiger,” Emerson smiles as I stand from my seat and head for the exit.

Outside the café, I head for my car. My phone rings and I pull it out of my purse along with my keys. I don’t bother to look at the caller ID as I answer.

“Hello,” I say into the phone and a shiver goes through me as I’m met by heavy breathing.

“Look I don’t know who you are, but you can knock it off now,” I snap before disconnecting.

Unlocking my car, I climb in behind the wheel. Taking in a steady breath, I start the engine and pull out of my parking spot ready to go home.

It’s time for me to seduce my man completely. He’s healed and I know he’s more than willing to finally fuck me. I can hardly wait either.

Chapter 10


“Alright let’s go through this once more before we head home,” Chaz states as we go through rehearsing the song I’d written. This past week was the first time I’d really been able to pick up my bass guitar for a long period of time without becoming sore.

Nodding my head, I wait for Hunter to cue me in and close my eyes to let the music take over. I wrote this song to show Alexis how I feel about her. Granted I can play an instrument to my heart’s content, but I can’t sing for shit. It’s why I have no problem with Chaz singing it for me. Because at the end my woman will know who the song was meant for when she finally hears it.

After the last note is strum, I open my eyes.

“I swear this is gonna be one of the best we’ve done yet,” Chaz declares grabbing his water bottle.

“Damn right,” Lex chuckles, putting his drumsticks in their holder.

“Agreed, Alexis is going to flip her shit when she hears this song. I mean anyone who knows the two of you will know this is about y’all,” Hunter says, putting his guitar on its stand.

Grinning, I pull the strap over my head and put the bass on its own stand before facing everyone. “I sure as fuck hope so. She deserves it.”

“She does and you better not ever fuck up. Jamie may have died and I’m finally happy with Bethany, but Alexis will always be my sister so don’t fuck up,” Chaz states.

Chaz had it rougher than any of us, I think. Having lost not only the woman you intended to marry, but the mother of your child has to be the hardest thing anyone should have to

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