Demon Disgrace (The Resurrection Chronicles #8) - M.J. Haag Page 0,97

my feet.

“Again,” he barked.

I nodded and watched him closely. His weight shifted to the left foot a moment before he came at me. I tried to spin away, but he caught me by the hair and tugged me close. Instead of blocking him with a forearm at the throat like I was supposed to, I brought my hands up.

My fingers grazed the column of his throat, and I became hyper-aware of the contact. The texture of his smooth, hard skin drew me in. It took a moment to realize I’d stopped trying and he’d stopped attacking.

Shit. I was staring at and petting his neck.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, turning away. My cheeks were burning as I shook out my hands, trying to dislodge the feel of him. It wasn’t working. What was wrong with me?

Hands settled on my shoulders, and I froze as my heart hammered in my chest.

I could hear him inhale deeply by my ear. He was smelling me? Please don’t smell how turned on I am, I thought.

“I can go take a shower if I stink. I don’t mind,” I said rapidly.

His hold on my shoulders tightened, keeping me from running, and he turned me to face him. That spot he’d bitten tingled in time with my pulse.

His gaze swept over my flushed face, and he leaned in menacingly.

“What game are you playing?”

Chapter Twenty-Two

I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think. He was too close, and I was picturing me riding his face like Angel had suggested.

“I don’t know,” I stuttered. “I didn’t get enough sleep. Nothing is making sense. I’m trying, but my head’s not cooperating.”

“Try harder. This isn’t a game.”

“Right,” I agreed with an emphatic nod.

He didn’t let go as he continued to scrutinize me with his narrow-eyed stare. The persistent heat from his hands on my shoulders seared its way into my awareness. How was I supposed to do this with him for hours? I’d never make it.

I needed space.

The answer to my need came with the ringing of the doorbell.

“I’ll get it,” I called.

I tried to bolt for the stairs, but Merdon’s tight grip held me in place. His expression turned cold and angry, and I wanted to groan.

“Things are about to get really hard for me, aren’t they?”

As soon as the words escaped my lips, I regretted them.

“I mean, you’re going to be more ruthless now,” I said, growing flustered and fidgeting under his hold. “Did Emily turn up the heat? The basement feels warmer, doesn’t it?”

A flicker of confusion showed on his face before disappearing.

“Whatever you’re trying to do, it won’t work,” he said lowly.

I was saved from more. This time by Emily’s voice.

“Brenna’s here,” she called from upstairs. “She wants to talk to Hannah.”

I couldn’t contain my hope as I stared up at Merdon.

“Go,” he said. The soft menace and promise in his eyes let me know that I’d be paying for this escape later. I didn’t care. Free, I bolted for the stairs and arrived at the top of them, breathless and perhaps a little wild-eyed.

Brenna adjusted her hold on her bow, her gaze flicking behind me before settling on my face.

“Everything okay?”

“Yep. Yeah. Yes. Everything’s fine.”

Her gaze briefly shifted behind me a second time.

“You sure? Because when we talked last, I was under the impression you were going to meet with me this morning to practice some more.”

“Merdon wouldn’t let me.”

Oh, I knew I was stirring all sorts of trouble up with that comment, but it was the truth. And, it was worth it. No way was I going to lie and further enable whatever plans he had for me.

“Wouldn’t let you?” she parroted.

This time her gaze stayed focused on the spot behind me.

“Are you keeping her here against her will?”

I couldn’t help myself. I looked over my shoulder at Merdon. His angry gaze held mine.

“Yes,” he said. “Yesterday proved she’s a danger to herself and others.”

Brenna snorted.

“Yesterday proved that she’s a human with very human emotions. We’re all dealing with some crazy shit. Not all of us were stolen away to the safety of your precious caves and spared from the hell of our world falling apart.”

She looked at me.

“Do you want to hurt yourself?” she asked.

Guilt hit me hard.

“I might have in the past, but I don’t want to anymore.”

She nodded, no judgment in her gaze.

“And do you want to hurt anyone else?”

“Merdon, sometimes, but it’s only when he bites hard.”

Brenna’s gaze narrowed slightly on Merdon.

“Go get dressed, Hannah. I’ll wait for you.”

I fought not to grin as I fled Copyright 2016 - 2024