Demon Disgrace (The Resurrection Chronicles #8) - M.J. Haag Page 0,69

every detail of the short-sleeved dress that exposed the faint bruising from yesterday’s bites. Unfortunately, there was no handprint on my butt that I’d be able to show to reinforce my abuse.

His gaze lingered on the darker crescent shape on my bicep. That one had hurt more because I’d tried yanking my arm away when he’d already been clamped down.

“I know what you’re doing,” he said calmly. “You’ll be disappointed in the end.” He motioned to the front door.

I wasn’t sure what he meant and didn’t stop to ask. It was after lunch, and I wanted Merdon out of my house and my life by dinner time.

Emily didn’t say anything as I joined her by the door and grabbed my jacket and shoes, which were once again on the rug. When I was ready, she led the way. Merdon followed. I wasn’t deterred.

Breathing deeply, I immersed myself in my momentary freedom and imagined how I’d spend the next day. Maybe watching movies and flipping Merdon off through the window as I drank myself silly in the living room. The idea of giving him the finger throughout the day was more appealing than the drinking.

James called out his welcome as soon as Emily knocked. His face lit up when he saw me, and he yelled for Mary. She came out of the kitchen just as Merdon closed the door behind us.

“Well, this is a welcome surprise. How are you feeling, Hannah?” she asked.

The timing of her question couldn’t have been better. I finished taking off my coat and held out my arms.

“Not well. Merdon is biting me and forcing me to do things I don’t want to do.”

Mary tsked and hurried toward me. She wrapped me in a tight hug, and I let out a relieved exhale.

“I can’t imagine the biting feels good, but you’ll get stronger. He won’t get away with so many then,” she said, still holding me.

I looked at James, confused.

“Merdon is smart for teaching you how to avoid being bitten by an infected, and you’re brave for undertaking such demanding training.” He looked at Merdon. “The nips look a might bit hard, though.”

“Pain is motivation to try harder,” Merdon said.

“I imagine so,” James agreed. “Just remember she’s human.”

I jerked in Mary’s arms as I realized what was happening. Again. They were all okay with what was happening.

Mary released me and patted my cheek affectionately.

“He’s not teaching me how to avoid being bitten,” I said emphatically.

“Of course he is,” she said with a chuckle. “Unless those are love bites?”

“They aren’t love bites! They’re bites from an asshole who gets sick pleasure from torturing me while convincing everyone around me that it’s for my own good. What’s wrong with you people? Why do you refuse to see what’s really going on?”

Mary gave me a sad look.

“We aren’t the ones refusing to see things the way they are, sweetie.”

I fisted my hands at my sides at the same time Merdon’s hands settled on my shoulders. I stilled, my impotent rage consolidating in my middle.

“That’s enough, Hannah.”

I whirled on him.

“Or what? You’ll force-feed me? Throw me into the shower? Hold me down and bite me? What more can you really do to me, Merdon? What new level of hell will I be forced to endure?”

That hard glint returned to his eyes.

“Do you want to find out?”

My fingers curled into claws. I wanted to hurt him. I wanted it so much I could barely breathe.

“All right, you two,” James said. “Save the training for your house. We like our furniture. Ma, why don’t you get your menu plans? Tor was already by this morning, asking if we had any news about the schedule.”

“I’m not sure we’re ready for that yet,” Emily said.

“I agree,” Merdon said.

I turned my back to him, not caring what he thought, then realized I had no idea what they were even talking about.

“Ready for what?” I asked.

“Our dating game dinners,” Mary said. “The fey are anxious to get started, but it didn’t feel right moving ahead with those plans when you were struggling so. But if you’re feeling better, you can help us. If not and you’d rather stay with Merdon, I’ll just steal Emily away for a few hours.”

None of it felt real. How had we gone from me accusing Merdon of abusing me to dinner plans for the fey?

“Unbelievable,” I breathed. My focus shifted to James. “I thought I could count on you.”

Both he and Mary started talking. I didn’t listen. Numb to everything, I turned Copyright 2016 - 2024