Demon Disgrace (The Resurrection Chronicles #8) - M.J. Haag Page 0,64

aside expectantly.

I stood, my eyes going to his ear. The one I’d tugged was still a little darker than its twin.

“I’m sorry,” I said quickly. “I shouldn’t have tugged on your ear.”

He was in front of me in a second, showing how fast he could move when he wanted.

“You brought me to my knee because of pain. What if I didn’t feel pain? What would you have done then?”

“Probably yelled, kicked, and hit you as you carried me away.”

“You would give up? Explain.”

“You’re stronger and faster. The only thing that even gives me a chance is that you can be hurt. If I couldn’t hurt you, there’d be no way to stop you.”

“You could kill me.”

I jerked back.

“What are you saying?”

He took a slow, big breath before answering.

“You’re getting smarter. That is all.”

I blinked at him, feeling ridiculously like a fey in doing so. But he’d just confused the hell out of me. Was he saying that he’d known I would have to hurt him to stop him? Or that he was waiting for me to do that?

“Come,” he repeated, stepping aside once more.

I led the way down to the kitchen, my thoughts still trying to work out our conversation upstairs.

“Do you want to eat first or go to the basement?” Emily asked from the kitchen.

“Basement first,” Merdon said from behind me.

My stomach growled in protest.

“Okay. But not too long. Everything will be ready in an hour.”

He nudged me to keep walking. I trudged toward my doom, recalling that before the ear pull, I’d also bitten his finger.

“Do I have to go to the basement? Can’t we just eat like normal people?”

“No.” He gave me another nudge.

I made a small sound of denial and started down the steps. I was still tired from the first round. What exactly did he think would happen in a repeat round? Was this just to take out some of his rage from all the shit I’d pulled? I hoped not.

When I reached the mat, I turned toward him. As low as I was on energy, I still felt a surge of adrenaline when he stepped toward me.

“Do we have to do this?” I asked again. “Can’t we just hug it out or something?”

He paused mid-step and tilted his head at me.

“Hug what out?”

“Whatever emotion is driving you to torture me with spankings and biting. My legs are barely managing to walk. I don’t think they’re up for more squats and rolling. I just want dinner then sleep.”

“No. You’ve rested enough to try again.”

“Try what?” I asked in exasperation.

“To not be bitten.”

He showed me his pointy teeth and got into a crouch. I quickly did the same, faltering at the way my legs protested.

“Focus,” he said.

He came at me. It was noticeable how much he had slowed down after his little display upstairs. I pivoted to the side, barely avoiding his reaching grab, though.

“Good. Again.” He returned to his starting position. “You’re only safe when you’re off the mat.”

My eyes widened as I understood the change. He was going to keep coming after me unless I got away-away from him.

My brain barely got out an “aw, hell” before he came at me again. Knowing better than to repeat the move, I fell to my knees, rolled, then sprang to my feet. Or, I tried to. My legs gave out, refusing to participate in his bullshit anymore.

He was on me in a second.

Back pressed into the mat, I brought my forearm up to brace against his throat and grabbed his shoulder to steady the move. At the same time, I went for his ear with my free hand. Was I stupid? Probably. Yet, he hadn’t exactly yelled at me for abusing his ear the first time. In fact, that conversation had ended with him saying I was getting smarter because I’d known pain was the only way to stop him.

His lips quirked, the only warning he gave that he’d read my intention. He caught my hand, and our gazes held as he pulled it to his mouth.

All I could think of was how I’d bitten him. Was this a revenge bite? Given his power and the sharp edges of his teeth, he could nip one of my fingers clean off if he wanted.

My eyes went wide, and panic surged through me. Feeling the weight of his hips on mine, I bucked hard. He grunted painfully but didn’t move.

My pulse spiked into panic mode, and I struggled harder.

“Don’t bite me,” I yelled.

He continued to tug my hand Copyright 2016 - 2024