Demon Disgrace (The Resurrection Chronicles #8) - M.J. Haag Page 0,63

everything back in full force. Panic ate at my chest. My legs and arms pumped in unison, desperation giving me fuel.

I didn’t look back. I refused to see what I was leaving behind.

The door opened before I reached it. I didn’t slow. Emily barely got out of my way as I barreled inside. I kept running. My snow-wet shoes skidded on the carpet as I made the sharp turn for the stairs.

I barely heard her call to Merdon as I thundered up the steps. My bedroom beckoned, a place of safety rather than the prison I’d imagined it to be. I cleared the opening and slammed the door shut behind me.

The sound resonated in the small space. Panting for air, I whirled and faced the door. Panic clung to me, coating my thoughts. It took several breaths for me to calm enough to realize an infected wasn’t going to open the door. I wasn’t sure knowing it would be Merdon was any better.

Had I really just slammed the door in his face?

I cringed and crept closer to place my ear against the wood panel.

There wasn’t a sound from the other side. Carefully, I tried the doorknob. It didn’t turn.

Shit. I was back to being locked in.

Annoyed, I kicked off my shoes and removed my jacket. Emily was going to be pissed that I ran through the house with my shoes on. A little bit of guilt poked me in the middle at the thought of her downstairs, blotting up water or scrubbing dirt stains. I pushed those thoughts aside and concentrated on my predicament.

Exercising in the basement with Merdon sucked, but it was better than being locked in my room all the time. I paced the confining space. How long would Emily want to keep me locked in here? I hadn’t had anything alcoholic to drink in days and was eating now. Wasn’t that enough to earn my freedom?

In a moment of brutal clarity, I knew it wouldn’t be.

I’d pushed Emily too far. Obviously, I had if she was letting her boy toy spank and bite me. I sighed, knowing she’d seen my problem for what it was. She wouldn’t let me loose to drink the pain away again. She’d want me to talk it out.

I turned toward the window, withering on the inside. I’d never speak my shame out loud. Ever.

The faint murmur of voices drew me to the door. I pressed my ear against it again.

“…resentment will only grow if you keep her locked in her room all the time. Would letting her have a little freedom be so bad? She was fine today, wasn’t she?”

“She was fine because I was there.”

“And you aren’t going anywhere, right?”

There was a moment of silence and a rustle of cloth against cloth. I could imagine him hugging her.

“No, I’m not going anywhere.”

“Good. Please consider letting her outside some more. Fresh air is good for us.”

I frowned, trying to understand what I was hearing. Emily wasn’t making the calls? Merdon was?

I was royally fucked.

Chapter Fifteen

Regret didn’t come close to how I felt about the ear twist I gave Merdon. I’d be lucky if he ever let me out of the room again.

Knowing that it was Merdon keeping me here also confused the hell out of me. Were his actions some sort of warped way of giving Emily what she wanted? I mean, she wanted me sober and mentally healthy. She’d made that pretty clear leading up to this lock in. While she and I both knew my sobriety and mental health weren’t things she could just snap her fingers and fix, did he? I bet not.

Emily really did screw herself over hard by picking him as a beyfriend. He was way too forceful. She needed someone less prone to living life two seconds away from a rage. I wished I knew what she was thinking. More than that, I wished I knew what he was planning. How did he think he was going to fix me to her liking when he wasn’t listening to her?

The adrenaline spike that had fueled my run of terror faded, leaving me tired. I sat on the bed. I knew if I lay down, I’d fall asleep. Somehow, I didn’t think Merdon wanted that yet, no matter how much the idea of another dream-free day-nap tempted me.

I looked at the fading light outside and wondered what new version of hell the night would bring.

The door opened.


Just one angry word. That was all I got before Merdon stepped Copyright 2016 - 2024