Demon Disgrace (The Resurrection Chronicles #8) - M.J. Haag Page 0,112

sent Tor over with a handwritten note to expect her escort just before sunset.”

“Before sunset? How is she getting home?”

“Mary and I went back and forth on that. These girls are hungry, and we want them to know that these dinners aren’t just a hookup.”

“Even though they are,” I said teasingly.

She inclined her head at me.

“But we don’t want them to feel that way. So, the note explains that it’ll be a long dinner and to pack an overnight bag. It stresses that she would be staying over at James and Mary’s place as a guest and would be provided breakfast before the fey takes her back home. I said that if any of it makes her uncomfortable, the fey would return her at any time with a full escort so she would be safe.”

“No one’s going to want to be outside the walls after dark.”

“Exactly. And everyone will get two meals out of the experience.”

“And get to see that people are living well and harmoniously with the fey.”

She nodded.

I couldn’t help but be curious about what Mila’s reaction would be tonight.

“Need any help, or just want some company as you eavesdrop from the kitchen door?” I asked.

She hesitated to answer and started playing with her fork.

“It’s the alcohol, isn’t it?” I said.


I thought about how to put into words what I was feeling about my ability to stay away from temptation.

“I drank to forget. But it was getting harder and harder to achieve that point of peace. Looking back, I can see what a mess I was. The things I did and how I hurt people. I know why you don’t want me to go back to that. Honestly, I don’t want to, either. Most of the time. And I know it’s the ‘most of the time’ that’s a concern.

“You and Merdon can’t be with me every second of every day. Especially now.”

I glanced at the door, missing him and wanting him back. Emily set down her fork.

“I know that. He does too.”

“Good. I feel better now, up here,” I said as I tapped my head, “than I did back then. Nancy told me I’d be tempted to drink again, and I think she’s right. However, I think I’m in a place where I can walk away from that temptation. And I’ll be with you and Mary and James, and we’ll all be very focused on something distracting and, hopefully, upbeat.”

“I really want you to be there. I just don’t want to jeopardize all the progress you’ve made.”

“And I don’t want my past problems to put a damper on what should be a crowning achievement for the matchmakers of Tolerance.”

“Okay,” she said decisively. “You’re in. I’ll feed you lunch then let you wash up. After that, you’re my assistant.”

Happy, I finished the oatmeal, which was amazing, and headed to practice. The sun shone like the day before. The wet drips from snow melting from roofs could be heard all around. And it smelled like spring. I knew not to believe it. Spring was a fickle tease like that, whisking in and out with the northern winds. But it still gave me hope that the world would warm and turn green again soon.

Shax and Ghua waited with Brenna, Eden, and Angel at the practice area. I caught the tail end of Brenna’s comment as I approached the girls.

“I just hate when they go off on their own.”

“Who?” I asked.

“Thallirin and Merdon.”

“Where did they go? Merdon was pretty close-mouthed about it all.”

“I don’t know. Thallirin just said they were going to hunt.”

“They are looking for infected,” Shax said.

“Yeah, Mya and Ryan were talking about how it’s not natural for us to be infected-free for so long, especially when the traps Ryan’s been encountering during his supply runs are growing worse,” Eden said.

“Worse how?” I asked.

“The infected are hiding in places, waiting for the group to split up, trying to take out the trucks so the humans can’t leave. Stuff like that,” Brenna said. “It was intense before I took a break from it. I can’t imagine what it’s like now.” She looked troubled for a minute. “When Thallirin’s back, I might go on a few more supply runs just to see.”

I couldn’t help but look at her like she was crazy.

“Why on earth would you want to do that? You just said it was worse.”

“That’s exactly why. I’d rather leave the protection of the wall on my terms, and know what the state of the world is, than try to hide Copyright 2016 - 2024