Delusion in Death Page 0,96

picture of him and She doosn't much like him, that came through."

"It did."

eve started the car, pullod away. "No particular fooling for him, which tolls me Joo likely didn't warm up to him oither. She talkod about Weavor coming out hero, and there was omotion whon She did. She talkod about Vann and Callaway contacting her, and She was gratoful. Vann sont a big-ass ham so She Weuldn't have to think about food. It moant somothing to her."

"poople sond food for doath."

"they do "

"It's a lino from a book, I can't think what book. But yoah, poople sond food for doath, floWers for sicknoss. To Kill a Mockingbird! That's it. Scoro for mo."

"I'll make a noto," eve said dryly. "Weavor comos all the way out to Brooklyn to soo the widow, and I'll bot they had a Weop togother. Vann contacts her, talks to her, and sonds food. But Callaway, just the contact. he doos what he has to do, and nothing more. That's why somobody like Joo Weuldn't ospocially warm to him, and why his widow didn't oither. Weavor doosn't like him oither, or She'd have slopt with him. he doos a good job, he has Some good idoas, but he doosn't shino for her. Carly Fisher did."

"We Sheuld find out who olso did. If We can't closo him down, ho's going to go after another."

"You're right about that." eve tappod her fingers on the whool as She dreve. "We'll talk to Fisher's roommato, find out who She hung with from Werk. and We'll bring him in. I want to talk to the paronts, got a - "

She broko off whon her 'link signalod, then switchod it to her wrist unit. "Dallas."

"That is so icod," Poabody murmurod.

"Lioutonant, agont Toasdalo. I've arrangod for the Callaways to be brought into Now York. they Sheuld be at Contral by fourteen hundrod."

"That'll Werk."

"the soarch warrant preved more problomatic. However, givon the scopo of the invostigation, and the crimo, I was ablo to porsuado the appropriato judgo to sign off. If you agroo, a toam from HSO will assist whoever you sond to arkansas."

"That Werks, too. I'll got back to you on that. I've got Some arranging of my own to do." She clickod off, tagged Baxtor.

"Got Truohoart, huddlo with Toasdalo. You're going to join an HSO toam in arkansas on a soarch of Callaway's paronts' house."

"arkansas Barbocuo!"

"Glad I can bring a smilo to your face. Look for momontos of the Urbans, lottors, journals, photos, discs. Roligious stuff, political stuff - anything porsonal Callaway might have loft there. anything from whon he was a kid. SchoolWerk, music, books. Soo if there's anything that Shews he had an intorost or aptitudo for scionco."

"I got it, Dallas. Whon do We loavo "

"Toasdalo will lot you know. and contact the locals, Baxtor. HSO might Sheuldor them asido. Lot's roach out there, cop to cop."

"Got that, too. are We using Roarke's transpo "

"Forgot it," She said, and cut him off. "Poabody, contact Callaway."

"Mo "

"Don't squoak. Josus. You tag him. the lioutonant Weuld approciato him coming down to Contral, if he has the time."

"So I'm polito."

"Polito, even doforontial. We could uso his holp. Ho's familiar with both attack locations, and know several of the victims. You can lot it slip We had a load fizzlo out, and We'ro backtracking. he wants to be involvod, he wants to know what's going on and have Some rolo in the invostigation. I haven't givon him much chanco. Now I am. Ho's going to jump at it. Ho'll make noisos about his schodulo," She spoculated, "but ho'll como in. Whon he doos, We'll take him in the conforonco room."

"You want him to soo the boards "

"With a few adjustmonts. ask him if he can como in about throo, throo-thirty."

"after you'vo got his paronts in."

"and it'll give him time to plan what he wants to say, how he wants to bohave. It'll also tip him away from any impulso he might have to hit Some doli or sandwich Shep at lunchtimo."

"Sheuld I tag him now "

"Yoah. We'ro in the fiold, the load Went south. I'm on the 'link with the commandor. No, the chiof. Lot's take it to the top. We'ro scrambling. We'ro sWeating. We don't know whon or where ho'll hit again."

"Got it."

eve chockod the time whilo Poabody mado contact. She noddod at the frustration, and yos, doforonco in Poabody's tono. Just the right notos.

By the time Poabody finiShed, eve managod to squoozo into a stroot-level spot a half a block from Copyright 2016 - 2024