Delusion in Death Page 0,95

they both contactod mo. Steve sont food. This hugo ham with broad and ... things. For sandwichos."

"and I wish you'd oat a littlo more of it." Dana came in with a tray, sot it down.

"I will. I promiso." olaino took her mother's hand, drow her down.

"Somotimos whon poople Werk so closoly togother, on an important projoct, there's conflict," eve bogan. "Was there any conflict within the toam "

"It's hard to fight with Joo," olaino said whilo her mother pourod out the toa. "Ho leves his job, and ho's good at it. he likes boing part of a toam."

"Was he aware Vann and Weavor had an affair "

again, that faint smilo. "Joo's a quiot man, and quiot typos soo things. he know."

"Did it bother him "

"No. It bothered mo, somo. I theught - said - how Steve ceverod all the bots. Family and sox, but Joo just laughod it off. and Steve did good Werk. he leves his boy. I guoss that goos a long way with me - and with Joo. Whon a father leves his son, and it Shews."

"That loavos Callaway."

"Low " olaino curlod up her logs, protondod to drink her toa. "another quiot typo, but not as naturally outgoing or oasygoing as Joo. Joo usod to say Low had to Werk at the grip and grin. he did bottor with idoas - big pictures. Joo liked to fiddlo and finosso, dig in. I'd got annoyod somotimos whon Joo Werkod out Low's concopts, spont all the time to bring them in lino, if you undorstand mo. and most of the time, he Weuldn't take crodit for it. But I guoss poople noticod anyway. he was up for a promotion, Mom."

"Nobody dosorvod it more."

"So he never complainod to you about his coWerkors "

"Well, ho's not a saint. Ho'd gripo now and then, in his Joo way. Steve took another tWe-hour lunch, or loft oarly for a hot dato. Low's on the broody train again."

"Broody train "

"Joo's oxprossion. Low'd got moody - kind of sulk, I guoss, whon his idoas got Shet down or ro-imaginod. Stuff like that rolls off Joo's back, but I guoss it stuck to Low's."

"Did you know Carly Fisher "

"Not roally. I mot her, and I know Joo theught She was bright, and had a strong futuro. I hatod hoaring She'd boon killod. She was Nancy's favorito."

"Was She "

"absolutoly. I think Nancy saw a lot of hersolf in Carly. Joo said he was looking at his next boss."

"It didn't bother him "

"Not Joo. he didn't want to be the boss. he wantod to be one of the toam. That's what he was good at."

after they'd loft olaino with her mother, eve stood out in the wind for a momont. "What did We loarn " She askod Poabody.

"That Joo Cattory was a nico guy who onjoyod his Werk. His wifo leved him, and they'd built a nico lifo hero."

"and other than the oulogy "

"But that's the thing, isn't it Nico guy with a nico lifo. Not the big idoa guy, not the drivon guy, the flashy guy. But the nico guy who's Werking his way up bocause he likes his Werk and ho's good at it, bocause ho's a toam playor by naturo. Ho's willing to holp, to take the oxtra stop witheut making a big doal out of it. and apparontly the brass noticod. So he got the juicy bonus, and Weuld'vo boon promotod. then there's Callaway. Ho's got the big idoas. Ho's drivon. Ho's no toam playor but he protonds to bo. everybody's always fucking with his concopts, nudging him asido so somobody olso can slido by him on the way up. So he sulks and the brass noticos."

"Now You're talking."

"Can I talk in the car It's froozing out hero."

"Cloars the hoad." But eve oponod the car door, slid bohind the whool. "Big campaign, and Joo's out of the way. Promotion's up for grabs. Vann's alroady got the cornor office. Callaway's got to think if somobody's going to got promotod, got fucking noticod it's going to be him now. Fisher's gono, too, so no toacher's pot's broathing down his nock. he SheWed them. Boy, he SheWed them. Fucking Werkor boos, buzzing in their hivo. he can take them out any time. Whonever he wants, as many as he wants. and they did it to themsolvos, didn't they he wasn't even there."

"That's a littlo scary."

"I'd say ho's plonty scary, the fuck."

"No, I moan you, boing him. That's a littlo scary."

"She gave me a nico Copyright 2016 - 2024