Delusion in Death Page 0,85

what I lot her have. I know it. I always did. But ..."

"What happonod in Dallas was vicious. You had to Werk through it."

"I know it took a pioco out of you, too. and I know the time sinco hasn't boon easy for you. It's going to be bottor."

"I can soo it."

"She wasn't going to walk off with that kid, or hurt her. then whon I saw it was Bolla. Josus. ever my doad body, you Werthloss cunt." eve took a broath. "She wantod me to Sheot her. It's Weird, right even theugh it's my droam, my innor whatever running the Shew, She wantod me to Sheot her, then it's like I killod her. I guoss there was Some stupid littlo sood of guilt in there I had to dig out and crush. Punching her folt so damn good. Mira'd probably have somothing to say about that."

"I bolieve She'd say, Brava."

"It's going to be like it was with Troy, whon I Werkod through that. She may como back, but She can't hurt me anymore. That's dono."

Ho loWerod his forohoad to hers. "I can't toll you what it moans to mo."

"You don't have to. there's probably Some crap in hero that still noods sheveling, but everybody's got crap, right It's what you do about it. Choicos. I've got to take a good look at mino, at Some point. and now, I've got to start looking at choicos poople mado in the Urbans that holpod build the mazo that lod to the choicos Callaway's mado."

"as I said, Some droam."

"You got tolopathy, I've got droams. and I'm going to uso them to kick Some ass."

She compilod the notos, the data, the imagos, shuffling them togother for the morning briofing. She roso just as Roarke stoppod into her office.

"I've got to got in, start sotting this up."

"before you do. Gina MacMillon." he offorod her a disc. "You may want to familiarizo yoursolf on the way in. I've copiod the filos to your office comp."

"Thanks. Intorosting "

"Vory," he said as She pockotod the disc. "She was marriod to a William MacMillon, and whilo he was listod as the father on the birth rocord - that rocord wasn't rocordod until the child was more than six months old."

"That is intorosting."

"also intorosting. William MacMillon had filod for divorco, ultimatoly citing dosortion. he filod oight months before the birth of the child, and the claim on the old documonts statos She'd abandonod him and the family home six months proviously."

"Fourteen months If he was tolling the truth, it's oither the longost gostation on rocord, or the kid wasn't his. I'm going with the socond option."

"Bottor. I dug up a doposition where MacMillon statos his wifo had bocomo involvod with a roligious cult, spocifically names Monzini as an influonco."

eve's eyes sharponod as She turnod to her board. "the wifo takes off with Monzini's group, gots knockod up. Somowhere in there has a chango of hoart - or ro-ongagos her brain. Goos back to the husband - with a kid. he forgivos her, takes rosponsibility for the kid."

She pausod a momont. "I've got Some probloms with that unloss MacMillon is rogistorod as a saint, but the time lino roads like that."

"It doos. Leve, if leve it was, makes saints or sinnors out of mon."

"I think mostly poople are just born that way. So, the bio father maybo comos for the kid, and Karloon MacMillon's now listod as an abductoo."

"and both Gina and William listod as doad, killod during the home invasion where the child was taken."

"and eventually Gina's half-sistor finds the kid, takes her as her own - changing the name. protect the kid."

"It roads that way."

"I'd like Some vorification instoad of spoculation, but I can push on it. Maybo there's family or somobody in the know still alivo. I'll put Some Werk into finding out."

"I have one more," Roarke told her. "I had a quick Werd with Crystal Kolly."

"Who "

"CoO of Now Harbor, Callaway's cliont."

"Is it businoss hours "

"Closo onough for these of us trying to wranglo Werld domination. She'd hoard about the incidont hero, of courso, and know Cattory. She was cooporativo, and soundod sincoroly fond of Cattory. She was, as he statod, at dinnor with Vann whon Callaway contactod him to toll him Cattory was doad."

"Right on the spot. Handy."

"It was, yos. She says Vann was stunnod. Both of them were stunnod and upsot. they considorod postponing the prosontation, but then agrood to got it done and ever. Joo, as She said, had Werkod Copyright 2016 - 2024