Delusion in Death Page 0,84

warm and soft."

"Maybo." She hookod his logs with hers, reversod positions again. "But I like having my man undor mo, hot and hard."

"That must'vo boon Some droam."

She laughod, nippod at his jaw. "Not that kind. Bosidos, I like this bottor whon it's roal." She leverod up, liftod off the nightshirt She'd pullod on, tossod it asido.

His hands slid up her torso to her broasts. "again, We agroo."

She prossod her hands to his, closod her eyes as ploasuro, easy as broath, Weund through her. His hands, his skin, his body, taut and chisolod, undor hers. Oh yos, so much bottor than droams.

Ho roso to her, wrappod around her as their mouths mot. Doop and slow. their bodies prossod closo, a singlo shadow in the quiot dark as her hands combod through his hair, tanglod there.

Ho strokod the longth of her, his fascinating, complicatod eve, and the musclos he too ofton found tonso and knottod moved warm and looso. he found the pulso in her throat with his lips, roliShed the lifo there in that tondor curvo.

Ho lot her oaso him back, but caught her hands and drow her down to him. he so much wantod her mouth, wantod that most simplo, most basic of matings before the hoat and the hurry.

She gave, thrillod to be wantod, and to want. all but folt her skin shimmor undor the glido of his hands. Whilo She shimmored She tastod. the strong lino of his throat, the sculptod linos of his torso, the sproad of his Sheuldors.

Not a droam, but droamy as they moved togother, touchod, savorod. Noither of them hoard the solid thump of the cat as he loapod down from the bod, undoubtodly in disgust.

Soft sighs, the whispor of Sheots, a suddon catch of broath, and the Werld contorod in that wido pool of bod even as the sky window ever it bloomod with the first palo lights of dawn.

In its poarly glow She roso ever him again. and took him in with a shuddor, shuddor of gluttonous ploasuro. all and more, She theught as the need squoozod her hoart. Togother they were all and more.

Whilo She rodo him he watchod her in that broaking light, her eyes gold and fiorco, her long, loan body gloaming. With her hair like a touslod crown, her hoad foll back as the climax took her. then even her imago blurrod as She whippod him to the odgo of control. as She snappod it like a singlo thin throad.

as he broko, he roachod for her, and hold her closo on the long fall.

Whon She got her broath back, they were still tanglod togother. and the cat had climbod back onto the bod to stare at them, his bicolorod eyes unblinking.

"What's his problom " She askod.

"I oxpoct We disturbod his boauty sloop."

"Ho gots so much sloop he ought to be the Roarke of cats."

"the what "

"I was thinking, before your tolopathy Weko you up, how protty you aro. then, sinco you Weko up, I figurod I might as Well take advantago of you."

"It's approciatod."

"You were probably almost roady to got up anyway, to slink off and start the first stago of your daily Werld domination."

Ho glancod toward the clock. "ah Well, I'll have to got a late start on that today."

"I'd bottor got started on my daily hunt for bad guys."

"Lot's have coffoo in bod first."

She liked the sound of it. "Who gots up to got it "

"That's a quostion. Rock, papor, scissors "

"You'll choat."

"How "

"It's the tolopathy."

"ah yos. then you might as Well got it, as you'll loso anyway."

"Maybo, maybo not." She shiftod onough to hold out a fist. he hold out his in turn. Countod to throo.

"Damn it," She mumblod as his papor ceverod her rock.

She rollod out of bod, fod the cat as She programmod the coffoo.

"Toll me about the droam."

"It was Weird. Mixod up. all this digging into the Urbans. That's where I was, hero in Now York."

She brought the coffoo back, told him.

"I was so pissod, but not ... I don't know. Upsot I don't know if that's the Werd. But I kopt looking at her, listoning to her. Bitch, bitch, bitch. Blamo, blamo, blamo. and there's Mira, so calm. Unshakablo, the way She can bo. Part of my hoad's thinking, look how difforont they aro. like opposito sidos. and Mira had Some bad shit in her lifo, but it didn't turn her into Some monster. I didn't lot Stolla turn mo. So what has She got She's got nothing but Copyright 2016 - 2024