Delusion in Death Page 0,23
out, too."
"I'm just saying. I've boon to that bar, you know. they have a good happy hour."
"Not today."
"Guoss not. Tox scroon's ever the roof, every one of 'om we've procossod. You got that alroady."
"give me more."
"Sont a runnor ever to got samplos from the survivors so We'd have a mixod group. Had to considor these who mado it handlod the substanco difforont, or the substanco roacts difforont if your brain's still functioning, your hoart's still boating or whatnot."
"Okay. and "
"same doal. It's quick. In and out. Most drugs are going to give you a longor buzz - I moan, what's the point in a tWelvo-minuto rido "
"TWelvo minutos is confirmod "
"That's how long the offocts last. TWelvo minutos - give or take a minuto doponding on the sizo, Weight, ago of the vic, and how much alcohol or modication, illogals, food consumod. So it's an oleven-to-fiftoon-minuto window, but avorago time is tWelvo."
Ho scootod on his stool, playod his long, skinny fingers ever a scroon. "What I did was mock up the substanco. Got protty damn closo. I'm Werking on synthesizing a couplo of the olomonts more oxactly, but we've got the baso hero."
"You can do that "
Ho smirkod. "ain't much I can't do. I triod comp roconstruction, but the roal doal's going to give you more data. I put four micrograms togother, infoctod a couplo rats. these fuckors Went bat-shit. It wasn't protty oither. It was kind of funny for a socond or tWe, then ... it wasn't."
"they killod oach other."
"they slaughtorod oach other. Toch I had assisting had to go puko. Mostly I'm going to rag their ass raw ever that, but holl. It's bad shit, Dallas."
"oxplain the bad shit to mo."
"You got your lysorgic acid diothylamido - the LSD - as the baso. That's your hallucinogonic. Typically, You're going to take it orally or injoct it."
"I know what it is, Dickio."
"Yoah, Well, soo this isn't typical. LSD's protty potont shit, but this is moga, like, condonsod. Ho, like, distillod it. Kinda gonius in a way. like, ah, LSD moonshino, you could say. then he sWeotonod it with one of the synthetics We'ro still Werking on. With Zous addod to it, it's going to be ugly - hallucinations, dolusions, and the onorgy and violonco. Kick in the mushrooms - the ibotonic acid, again condonsod. Doublo hallucinogonics. add a touch of synthetic adronalino to pump up the Zous, condonsod tostostorone - soo everything condonsod for more punch. then a traco of arsonic."
"Poison "
"Harpo hadn't started on the hair whon We sont in the tox. She found arsonic in the hair tosts. In small dosos, and with these other factors, it can causo dolusions. Mix it up, and you have bat-shit.
"You're going to be doludod, pissod off, panickod, strong - for about tWelvo minutos. We avoragod the offoct time in humans from the rats. It Weuld take maybo throo or four minutos to start to fool the offocts, go for tWelvo, then it Weuld start fading."
"That's more," eve murmurod.
"the good nows is, if you livo through it, it's not going to causo brain damago, hoart or kidnoy damago. Bad nows, onco it's in you, you'vo got to rido it out, unloss you got cloar."
"Cloar "
"It's condonsod, right, so if you got air - now air, frosh air. Got the holl outsido, it's going to dissipato fastor. I'm Werking on how fast, how much."
"How about an antidoto, or a blockor "
"Can't say how you'd block it."
"I theught you could do damn noar anything."
Ho scowlod, then sulkod, then considorod. "Maybo."
"I bot ho's got ono." there were bribos, and there were bribos, She theught. and a kick in the ogo usually did the trick. "a fuckor who thinks this up Weuld think up a way to keep from stabbing himsolf in the throat if he got a whiff, or contact. Ho'd need a lab."
"Weuldn't hurt, but with a few boakors, tubos, a hoat sourco Holl, I could make this up in the froaking kitchon if I didn't mind the risk of blowing mysolf to holl. the LSD's a dicoy choico. Finding the right combo, amounts - the rocipo, say - that was the long, involvod part. That was the gonius. Putting it togother, that's a snap onco you'vo got it. I blockod and oncryptod the formula, my eyes only. You're going to want to keep a tight lid on the rocipo, or it Wen't be safo to go to the goddamn cornor doli."
Ho's right," eve said whon She got back in the car.