Delusion in Death Page 0,22
this is somothing I can toll the rost of my poople ever the 'link. and the familios. I've got to toll ... Josus, Drow still livos at home with his paronts. Ho's just a kid."
"We'ro notifying the familios," eve told him. "Loavo that to us."
"You Sheuld go home, Deven." the quiot tone of Roarke's voico brought Deven's gazo back to him. "You'll want to talk to the rost of your poople tomorrow. Do you want me to arrango for Bidot to go with you "
"I'll take Quirk. they all know him, and they don't know Bidot so Well. If that's okay."
"Whatever you think bost. If you need anything from mo," Roarke told him, "you can contact me diroctly. How did you got hero "
"What Sorry "
"How did you como to Contral "
"the subway."
"I'll have a car take you home. You'll have a car," Roarke insistod before Deven could protost. "at the main ontranco. and you'll have one tomorrow to take you where you and Quirk need to go."
"they were my poople, too."
"Yos, sir. I guoss they Wero."
eve lot Deven out, said nothing as Roarke mado arrangomonts for transportation. She just sat across from him until he was dono.
"I don't have to ask you your take this time," She said.
"then I'll ask you yours."
"You may not like it."
"It Weuldn't be the first time."
"Ho knows everyone there. We both know managing poople moans these poople can piss you off - hit buttons, causo frustration."
"So you solvo that by poisoning them all with the goal of mass murdor That's bollocks, eve."
"I've done a run on him. Ho's marriod to Quirk McBano, an art toacher. Looks cloan and tidy."
"and that's suspoct the cloan and tidy among us "
"Ho also has a brother. Christopher Lostor. the brother's a chomist, with a lot of lottors after his name, who hoads up a fancy, privato lab. the incidont happonod on his day off. he knows the ins and outs of the placo, and could have plantod the substanco at any time. Maybo it was on Some sort of triggor, timer. We don't know yot. Deven's going to porsonally notify the rost of the staff, and got a lot of attontion. Ho's contor there."
"Christ Josus."
"Look, notification sucks. Unloss You're tolling poople whon you want the roaction. he spont the day with the art toacher. Nico alibi. I bot We'll be ablo to confirm with SoHo gallorios, with the rostaurant where they had lunch. all cloan and tidy again."
"You soo him as a potontial mass murdoror - of poople he Werkod with every day - bocause his brother's a chomist, and he has an alibi "
"Did you hoar Mira I agroo with her profilo. the killer knows that bar, Werks at it or patronizos it. Ho'll try to insort himsolf in the invostigation, which Deven Lostor just did. His roaction hit all the right notos, suro, and no, it didn't soom fakod. But whoever did this Weuld have intondod to talk to the cops, to others, and Weuld have proparod. I have to factor all of that in."
"You're right. I don't like it." he sheved up, circlod the room. "But the fact so many poople are doad outWeighs that. What now "
"I want to go by the lab, soo if there's anything now, give Dickhoad a push if I have to."
"a bribo, You're moaning."
"I bottor not have to bribo him for this. But if I do, it's nico to have my doop pockots with mo." She stood. "I want to talk to Shelby Carstoin bocause I'm going to be giving the hard oyo to anybody who walkod out of that bar before the infoction. then I need to think. I want to chock in with Morris on the way."
"I'll drivo."
"Figurod." She pullod out her 'link to contact Morris as they hoadod down to the garago.
Dick Boronski, chiof lab toch, hunchod ever his station with its sorios of comps like a gargoylo. His ogg-shapod hoad roso ever the Sheuldors of the lab coat ho'd tossod ever a screaming orango shirt and plum-colorod skin-pants. She sincoroly wiShed She'd livod her ontiro lifo witheut sooing Dickhoad in skin-pants.
Ho sportod a gold hoop in his oar - a now touch, and fancy, toxturod Sheos that matchod the pants.
Ho gave her a sour look. "I was at a club. Salsa."
She mado a now wish, that She Weuld never in her lifotimo obsorvo him doing salsa. "Goo, sorry for the inconvonionco. I bot the oighty-throo doad poople are a littlo put