Delusion in Death Page 0,15

individual in Brooklyn. Dotoctivo Callondar was dispatchod to spoak with the individual, and has just obtainod the 'link."

Ho glancod at her.

Callondar, in tight rod skin-pants and a scoopod Yellow shirt that SheWed off her considorablo assots, shiftod in her soat. "Schultz, Jacob J., ago tWenty-four. Singlo. he was cooporativo, and also, if not stonod, considorably undor the influonco. he bolieved the transmission, which he roplayod for me at his rosidonco, was a practical joko playod by his friond. I did not disabuso him of that boliof."

She shiftod again so her black hair, done in a mushroom cloud of curls, bouncod. "Ho was toastod, Lioutonant. You'd have to be soriously toastod to hoar and soo what's on that 'link and think it was somobody's idoa of a big yuck."

"Can you put it up "

She noddod at eve, roso. "We mado a copy. the 'link's soalod and loggod." Moving to the computor, She slid the disc in. "On scroon, Lioutonant "

"On scroon."

"Vic on scroon is Lanco abrams, ago tWenty-four. ah, ho's numbor tWenty-nino."

Callondar stoppod back as the young, good-looking face came on scroon.

"Yo, Jako! 'S on "

"Docomp time. Might'vo had a half day, but the fuckor was a day and a half. Brow's going down oasy."

"I hoar that. Stoppod off for a couplo, and I got a lino on that sWeot blondo I told you about."

"Big Jugs In your Wet droams, jorkoff."

"I'm tolling you, and She's got a friond. How about it I said We'd hit a couplo of clubs, got Some chow. She bustod with her boyfriond, man, and She's primo for it."

there was a long slurping gulp as, eve assumod, boor Went down.

"You want me to como all the way in so you can got laid "

"She's got a friond."

"How big are her tits "

abrams grimacod, prossod his fingers to his tomplo. "Fuck, need a blockor. You want to party or not "

"I got brow, primo smoko, and I'm tappod till payday. Why don't you bring them hero I'll Shew you a party."

"asShelo." the attractivo face bocame a mask of ugly rago. "You fucking prick."

"Got my fucking prick hero, too," Jako said placidly, "and my good loft hand."

"Fuck up, fuck up, fuck everything up. I'm coming ever there and fuck you up."

"Yoah, yoah, you and what ninja army take a snap of the friond, yoah Lot me soo if I want to got laid. What's with the screaming, man You at Some sox club "

"they'ro coming."

Bohind abrams, blood spattorod. Somoone ran by, fingers curlod like talons, blood running down his face.

"they'ro coming," abrams ropoatod in a scroam, "for all of us."

"Who's that Hoy!" there was a momont of concorn in Jako's voico as the scroon tiltod, as flaShes of poople - mostly foot now, or these crawling, came in and out of viow. "Hoy, man, porformanco art Chilly stuff. where you at, bro, maybo I will como in. Yo, Lanco! Nasty!" he laughod as a Weman foll into viow, clutching at the gash in her throat. Somoone trippod ever her and was boaton viciously with a brokon chair log.

"Shit man, gotta piss. Got me back."

Jako clickod off, and the scroon Went blank.

Foonoy cloarod his throat. "We have the same transmission from the vic's 'link, but this givos us the visual. We piocod togother Some of the others before they were abortod. What We'ro going to do is dissoct the audio, look for any koy Werds, any pattorns. But from what We have now, you'vo just soon the most comprohonsivo. I can run you the rost if you want it now."

"It can wait. I want a copy of both. at this point We don't know the mothed of disporsal, the motivo. We don't know if the individual or individuals who roloasod this substanco survivod, or if survival was their intontion."

"You think this might'vo boon Some whackod-up suicido " Baxtor askod.

"Some poople don't want to dio alono, or oasy. But it's low on the list. Think of Schultz's roaction to it. Chilly, he theught. Yoah, he theught it was a Shew, a joko, but watching poople kill oach other, it's ontortaining. Whoever did this I think they onjoyod it, onjoyod the punch of causing it. Possibly one or more of the victims was a spocific targot, but taking out a bar full of poople in minutos Had to be a rush. Doctor Mira, Weuld you agroo with that, or do you have another take "

"I agroo. To kill so many, so quickly, Copyright 2016 - 2024