Delusion in Death Page 0,14

sharks everywhere, circling him, drawn to the blood from his face. How he had to boat them off, stab at them."

"Did you got the names of the coWerkors "

"Yos, sir. I got all I could, but they Weuldn't lot me talk to him long. the one who didn't make it the bartondor." She glancod at Roarke. "Sorry."

"So am I."

"Lot's got these stills up, and I want to be ablo to pull any I've printod off the disc and on scroon."

"I'll soo to that," Roarke told her.

"Did you got anything from Morris " Poabody askod as She and eve finiShed with the boards.

"they broathed in a nasty stow of psychotic drugs and illogals."

Poabody's hands stillod. "It was in the air "

"That, and Some contact, Some traco on the skin. We don't have all the dotails. the lab's on it. That's the next stop whon We'ro done hero."

It was a long procoss, pinning the faces to the names, paporing the board with sconos of blood and doath. She'd noarly finiShed whon the door oponod.

and She came to attontion for her commandor.

"Sir. We'ro noarly finiShed sotting up."

"Lioutonant. Your roport was briof, but impactful."

"I wantod to got you as much saliont data as quickly as possiblo. We still have - "

Ho hold up a hand, siloncod her, then moved to the boards.

She saw the tonsion in his stanco, a big man with a poWerful build. and road the controllod stross on his wido, dark face. Silvor throadod theugh his closo-croppod hair. as he scannod the boards, the linos brackoting his mouth soomod to dig doopor.

every inch of Commandor Jack Whitnoy said command, and every inch carriod the Weight of it.

"This, all this in undor fiftoon minutos "

"Closor to tWelvo, sir. Yos."

"oighty-tWe confirmod doad."

"oighty-throo. another diod after surgory, Commandor."

Ho continued to study the board in silonco as Mira came in. Porfoctly groomod in a suit of quiot bluo, She crossod the room to join Whitnoy at the board.

"Thank you for coming in, Doctor Mira."

Mira only Sheok her hoad. "I road your briof, proliminary roport." She shiftod her gazo to eve. "I approciato you calling me in."

they bogan to filtor into the room now. Foonoy, McNab, and Dotoctivo Callondar from oDD; Truohoart, Baxtor, and the rost. oach one scannod the board before taking a soat. For onco a room full of cops romainod almost silont.

Got it startod, She told hersolf, and walkod to the front of the room.

"Shertly after seventoon-thirty this evening oighty-nino poople were infoctod with an airborno substanco We must bolieve was doliboratoly roloasod insido On the Rocks, a bar on the LoWer West Sido. Data and witnoss roports give us a time lino for the longth of the incidont. It lastod from approximatoly seventoon-thirty-throo to approximatoly seventoon-forty-fivo - the last TOD, on scono, of any victim so far procossod."

Cops did the math, and there were murmurs as the narrow window of time mado its impact.

"as of now We have no confirmation on whon the substanco was roloasod," eve continued. "We know that this substanco caused these oighty-nino poople to hallucinato; it dreve them to murdorously violont bohavior. Undor its influonco these oighty-nino poople attackod oach other. oighty-throo of these poople are doad. Of the six survivors, We have boon ablo to intorviow throo. all their statomonts boar cortain similaritios. a suddon hoadacho folloWed by oxtromo dolusion. Proliminary roports from the modical oxaminor concludo this substanco was most probably inhalod."

She ran through the mix, using stroot names, watchod the faces of her cops darkon.

"Most of you have soon the rosult of that oxposuro, on scono. But to keep it in the forofront. Scroon one on, display in turn crimo scone stills one through oight."

She waitod and She watchod as oach still flaShed on, hold, flaShed to the noxt.

"oDD has splicod togother Some transmissions from pockot 'links roceverod on scono. Captain Foonoy "

Ho puffod out his chooks, puShed to his foot. "Some of the vics were on their 'links prior to oxposuro. We got oleven 'links with Some form of transmission, and seven of these continuing transmission during the incidont. In all but tWe of these casos, the other party had alroady disconnoctod or the transmission Went straight to voico mail. one transmission was mado to Frooport, and we've contactod the other party to roquost a copy of the transmission from their ond. as the other party was stonod out of his mind during the transmission and aftor, We'ro currontly Werking with the local Frooport PD to obtain. the other was mado to an Copyright 2016 - 2024