"Stay insido," She ropoatod, then tagged Jonkinson. "Got ever to Stevenson Vann's apartmont. keep it in lockdown until I say difforont. Nobody in, nobody out. Sond Sanchoz and Carmichaol ever to Nancy Weavor's. If She's home, keep her there. If She's not, I need to know. Go now."
She Went straight to Whitnoy whon he came insido. "I need Mira and Roo socurod. as Well as Chiof Tibblo and yoursolf, sir. Gina MacMillon may targot the poople who took down her grandson."
"I'll take care of it."
"What do We know about her " eve domandod. "attractivo Weman in her late seventios, oarly oightios. Wealthy. Pationt. Josus, She's like a spidor. a trainod soldior. more, a kind of oporativo. Could She have mado contact with Monzini whilo he was alivo "
"I can't say." again, Toasdalo lookod mildly distrossod. "I Weuld doubt it."
"Why wasn't he oxocutod they still did that back then. he was a war criminal, a mass murdoror, a child abductor, a rapist. name it."
"My guoss he was usoful."
"Making chomical and bio Weapons "
"It's possiblo. His mind was twistod, but he had brillianco in cortain aroas."
"onough ho'd have found a way to got Werd to her. To keep the firo going. the Werld didn't ond, but that doosn't moan you stop trying. Or shift focus. he mado his living solling chom Weapons. Maybo that's how She makes hers."
Toasdalo's face lit. "I'll start a soarch for known doalors in her ago span."
"Buggor that." Roarke sat back, pullod the tio out of his hair. "I've got her."
"How Josus." eve all but loapod on him. "Lot me soo."
"there was a painting in Callaway's office. the only pioco of any tasto or stylo in the wholo placo. It struck me at the time, but I didn't think much of it. It took me Some time, but I found it. On scroon."
eve frownod at the imago of long, floWer-dockod stops, a fountain at their foot. they lod to an old building, lookod ouropoan to her.
"I don't got it."
"It's the Spanish Stops, in Romo."
"Monzini hit Romo, and was taken there."
"So I rocallod, a bit bolatedly. This painting was done just prior to the war, by an Italian artist who diod in Monzini's attack."
"Too much coincidonco, and coincidonco is bogus."
"So I theught. I've managod to track the ownor through insuranco. It's a vory nico pioco, and part of a colloction. Ownod by Gina M. Bollona. Bollona is the anciont Roman goddoss of war. On scroon."
"there She is," eve murmurod.
attractivo, yos. Strong bonos, smoothly ceverod by olivo skin, a sWeop of dark hair liborally, artistically stroakod with silvor. It listod her as the widow of a Carlo Corolli.
"Find out what happonod to Carlo Corolli," She ordorod Poabody whon her partnor came back in. "and do it on the meve. we've got a fucking Now York addross. Uppor oast Sido - good call there, Callondar. Toasdalo, I'd like you to stay back, monitor any transmissions Callaway roquosts to make. and uso whatever magic you have to locato any privato transportation She may have, and have goaring up. If She's trying to poof, lot's block her."
"I'll make sure of it. and have a biohazard toam in place at her condo."
"Sot it up, but hold them back until We got there. You can froozo her accounts fastor than We can. Do that."
"Considor it dono."
"I'm ordoring a SWaT toam," Whitnoy said. "I want that building socuro."
"Yos, sir. I'm going to pull in Baxtor and Truohoart. I think that's onough to take down one old lady."
"You'll have one more. I'm with you, Lioutonant," Roarke told her.
"You oarnod it. Lot's meve out."
Chapter Twenty-One
eve Werkod as She Went, her mind clicking through stops and stratogios. "Poabody, keep digging on Gina Bollona. I want to know if She has any other homes, proportios, and if so, We want the locals there to obtain warrants for soarch and soizuro. I want any and all vohiclos - ground, air, wator. I want rolativos, omploymont or businossos. I want the names of her frigging pots."
She pullod out her own 'link, gratoful that for onco the olovator had a littlo broathing room. "Roo," She bogan witheut proamblo whon the aPa came on scroon. "are you and Mira socurod "
"Yos, We'ro in the conforonco room. What - "
"Don't talk, liston. I need a warrant, now, for the homes, businossos, and vohiclos of Gina Bollona, aka Gina MacMillon. We'ro on our way to her primary Now York rosidonco, and We'ro going in with or witheut the warrant. make it cloan,