Delta Force Rescue - Elle James Page 0,40

lose their positions, even go to jail. El Chefe will do anything to keep that from happening. If that book goes public, he himself will be murdered.”

“So, it was never about the child,” Rafe stated. “It’s all about El Chefe’s connections and the trouble you could stir up if that information is revealed.”

She ran a hand through her hair, the shadows beneath her eyes a deep purple. “When I first started doing books for the cartel, I was fresh out of college. I’d just returned from university in the United States to my home in El Salvador. I didn’t realize I was going to work for a cartel. I thought it was a regular accounting job. The money was good. Better than anywhere else around. I couldn’t resist. By the time I figured out what was happening, it was too late. Once you go to work for the cartel, there’s only one way out—in a body bag.” She smoothed a hand over the baby’s shock of dark curls. “Then I had Bella. I realized I couldn’t raise her in that environment. I knew El Chefe would use her to keep me working for him. He’d threaten to kill her, and carry out that threat, if I tried to leave.”

“That’s awful.” Sadie had joined them in the basement, carrying a sleepy Emma on her hip. “I don’t blame you for wanting to escape.”

Alejandra gave Sadie a brief nod. “I started documenting all of the clients, partners and connections to the cartel. I noted how much money was involved, what products and services. Once I had all that information, I compiled it into a notebook and mailed it to a lawyer in the States, asking him to hold it without opening it. If I did not call him every three days, he was instructed to mail it to the DEA. I’m due to call today.”

“How did you escape?” Rafe asked.

She glanced down at her baby, her face softening. “El Chefe didn’t know that I wanted to leave. I kept my plans to myself. I had fake passports made. I told him that a good friend of mine from college was dying of cancer, and that she’d asked to see me and Bella before she passed. I told him she lived in Chicago. He allowed me to fly to the States to see her. I kept my cellphone and called when I landed to reassure him I was indeed visiting a friend and would be back soon.

“As soon as I left the plane, I tried to disappear into the city, but he’d arranged to have men follow me. At first, I think to keep me safe. When I noticed I was being followed, I ducked into a shopping center and then into a women’s changing room. From there, I made my way through a rear exit. I’d lost them, but I knew they would report back to El Chefe. Before they could notify him, I called him to say I had enjoyed a little shopping and was stopping to get something to eat before I joined my friend. I had hoped when his men called, he’d be placated by the fact I’d initiated a call and checked in. I’d hoped it would buy me time to find a safe place to hide. Then it started to rain. That’s when I spotted El Chefe’s men and ducked into an alley. They passed the alley and kept moving. That’s when Briana found us.”

Rafe studied her expression, trying to determine whether she was telling the truth. “Briana said she found your phone in her purse after she’d dropped you at the shelter.”

Alejandra’s cheeks reddened. “When I realized El Chefe would eventually figure out that I had not gone to a friend’s death bed, I knew he could trace my cellphone. So I put it into Briana’s purse, figuring she would take it away with her. It’s my fault he went after her. If she hadn’t helped me, she wouldn’t be on her way to El Salvador.”

“Why would he take Briana when he wanted you?”

Alejandra shrugged. “Apparently, he figured out that Briana helped me. And he knows me. I won’t let someone else die because of my defection. He’ll offer to make a trade. And when he does, I’ll go to El Salvador, so that Briana can come home.”

The baby stirred in her mother’s arms and whimpered.

Alejandra looked up. “I’ll make that trade, but I have one request.”

“And what would that be?” Hank asked.

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