Delta Force Rescue - Elle James Page 0,39

right now,” Swede reported.

“There has to be a way to intercept that plane.”

“It would take too much red tape to scramble fighter planes to intercept a private jet for a civilian,” Hank said. “All we can hope is that they land somewhere in the States, and we can get local law enforcement to seize them.”

Rafe paced the room. “We can’t just stand around waiting for them to land.”

“We’re not.” Hank glanced up from a simple cellphone. “My guys are on their way now with Alejandra. We can spend the time we’re waiting to see where Briana lands by questioning Alejandra.”

“By bringing Alejandra here, you’re exposing her.”

Hank held up the cellphone. “We’re using burner phones to communicate, and we’re using a van painted like a mail delivery vehicle to get her in and out. I have six guys in the van with her and several positioned at the gate for when they arrive. They’re on their way now. Should be here in the next ten minutes.”

“Anyone want coffee or something stronger to drink?” Sadie descended the stairs carrying a tray with a carafe of coffee and mugs.

Hank hurried to her, relieved her of her burden and set the tray on the table. “I told you that you don’t have to wait on us. Besides, you’re not supposed to carry anything heavy,” he chastised her. Then he pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly. “Go back to bed. Emma will be up at dawn, and you’ll be exhausted.”

“I gave Daphne a heads-up,” Boomer said. “She and Maya can come over and help watch Emma while Sadie catches up on her sleep.”

“Thank you, Boomer,” Sadie said. “I’d love to see Daphne, and Emma enjoys playing with Maya.”

Boomer smiled and ducked his head to send a text to Daphne.

Rafe liked how everyone knew each other. Being the new guy, he felt as though he was still on the outside looking into a tight-knit organization. He knew he’d get over that soon enough, and he sure as hell didn’t have time to worry about anything other than getting Briana back safely.

A few minutes later, Swede announced Briana’s tracer showed her currently over Texas.

Hank’s burner phone pinged. He glanced at a text message coming through. “They’re here.” He shot a look at Swede. “Let them in the gate.”

Swede hit a button on his computer keyboard. “Done.”

“Thanks.” To Rafe, he said, “I’ll be right back.” Hank left the bunker, running up the steps two at a time and disappearing through the door at the top.

Sadie followed at a more sedate pace, her hand resting on her swollen belly.

When Hank returned, he escorted a dark-haired woman carrying an infant in her arms. She lifted her chin as she walked into the room full of men. Her gaze swept them, coming to rest on Lucy. “I understand the woman who rescued me off the streets of Chicago has been taken by El Chefe Diablo’s men.”

Rafe crossed to stand in front of the woman. “She helped you. Now, it’s time for you to help her. What is it El Chefe wants? Is he upset that you ran with his child?”

Alejandra held her baby close to her chest. “El Chefe is not in the least interested in this child,” she said. “Except that he would use my baby as insurance.”

Rafe’s brow twisted. “Insurance?”

“He threatened to kill Bella if I did not cooperate with him.”

“Holy hell…what kind of cooperation did he want?”

Alejandra looked toward a blank wall. “I kept the books for his organization. He wants me back to continue to do so. And if I don’t come back, he will try to kill me.” Her lips curled into a cruel smile. “But I have some insurance of my own.”

Hank frowned. “How so?”

“I have an actual book identifying every one of his business partners and what kind of money, services or products have passed between them. There are names in there that could cause major upset in many countries, including the United States. I have hidden that book with an attorney, who has special instructions to mail it to the DEA if I don’t call every three days to tell him not to.”

Rafe’s heart sank to the pit of his belly. Briana was caught up in something even more dangerous than a drug lord wanting his girl and baby back.

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