Delta Force Rescue - Elle James Page 0,32

out some kind of early warning system to alert them to incoming intruders.

With nothing but time on their hands, they could come up with something.

He left Briana in bed while he walked Lucy around the cabin looking for places he could rig a trip line of something like cans filled with rocks that would rattle when someone ran over the line. Hell, he could ask Hank if he had some kind of early warning or security system that ran on batteries. He could use it for people as well as for angry grizzly bears. Then he wouldn’t be surprised in the middle of the night when he’d rather be in bed making love to Briana.

When he came back into the cabin, Briana had omelets made of fresh farm eggs, canned ham and minced onion. As they ate, they talked about the bear, Lucy and what they might do for the rest of the day. They settled on clearing away brush from the nearby tree line to allow them to see more clearly into the shadows and to disallow the enemy, or bears, to move in so closely, undetected.

Rafe contacted Hank via the satellite phone, requesting something in the way of a surveillance system that ran on batteries and would provide some kind of warning should man or beast approach the cabin

At the end of the day, Hank arrived with a tall, broad-shouldered man with a shock of light blond hair.

“Donovan, this is Axel Swenson, Navy SEAL, and the brains behind the Brotherhood Protectors,” Hank said.

“Hank’s the brain. I just work the electronics and computers.” The blond-haired man held out his hand. “Call me Swede.”

Rafe shook the man’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Swede.”

Rafe turned to Briana. “This is Briana Hayes. My…client.” He got stuck on the word. Already, Briana was so much more than a client. He was afraid he was falling for her. Never in all his thirty-four years had he felt the way he did about another woman. Hell, he didn’t trust most women. His mother had barely given a damn about him. None of the women he’d gone out with had held his attention for more than a night in bed, and he doubted they would’ve shot at a bear to save his life. Yeah, Briana was different. Still, he wasn’t sure how things would play out between them when the threat went away. He had a job in Montana. She would move back to Chicago and do good things for the children there.

“We brought you the surveillance equipment you requested. The cameras run on batteries and will also work on infrared at night. We can set up a way to check them using a battery-powered unit you can recharge when you have the generator running.”

Rafe helped unload the boxes from the truck and laid them out on the tailgate. Soon, they had cameras positioned all around the perimeter of the cabin, and the base unit installed with a monitor on the table inside.

When they were all done setting up, they tested with Hank and Swede walking out by the units. Each time, a signal sounded, alerting Briana and Rafe to intruders.

Hank and Swede returned to the cabin and dug out another device for them to use to monitor their location—a drone they could operate to give them a birds-eye view of the road and land leading up to the cabin. Swede showed Rafe and Briana how to operate it and had them practice a couple of times before he was satisfied they could handle it.

Before Hank climbed into his truck to leave, he fished in his pocket and pulled out a silver necklace with a gemstone pendent. “Briana, I’d like you to wear this necklace at all times, even when you’re in the shower or swimming. It’s got a GPS tracking device embedded beneath the gemstone. If you’re kidnapped, or even just lost in the woods, we’ll be able to locate you by computer or one of the handheld tracking devices we have back at the ranch. Also, I wanted you to know my guys made it to Illinois. They’ll move Alejandra from the shelter to a safe house here in Montana sometime in the next forty-eight hours.”

Briana frowned. “The more people who know where she is, the greater chance someone will slip up and reveal her whereabouts.”

Hank shook his head. “My guys are all special forces. They know how to keep their mouths shut and how to slip in and out of places without being Copyright 2016 - 2024