Delta Force Rescue - Elle James Page 0,31

dog. It was all Rafe could do to hold her back. He tried dragging her in, but she twisted and jerked at the leash, making it impossible for Rafe to pick her up and carry her back inside.

Rafe had just grabbed Lucy by the scruff of her neck when a bear burst out of the shadowy tree line, rose up on his hind legs and lumbered toward them, roaring. Moonlight glittered off his long, wickedly sharp teeth.

Barking fiercely, Lucy broke free of Rafe’s hold and lunged toward bear.

The lead pulled tight, catching her up short. She flipped over, turned, and then tried again to get to the bear.

Without a gun in his hand, Rafe couldn’t help her. And he couldn’t drop the lead and run back into the cabin. He reeled the dog in, pulling on the long lead, one foot at a time, the dog’s lunging motions making it almost impossible.

The bear followed as if being lured by the promise of a snack, roaring and swiping at the air with its massive paw.

The bear was almost on Lucy. Rafe could smell the animal and feel the heat of his massive body. He didn’t fear for himself, but he worried that he wouldn’t get Lucy away from the beast before he swiped her with his heavy paws and razor-sharp claws.

Just when the bear pulled his paw back to deliver a killing blow, a low bang sounded behind Rafe.

He ducked and spun toward the cabin.

Briana stood in the doorway, her silk robe hanging open over her naked body, holding the pistol she’d practiced shooting the day before.

“Get out of here,” she yelled.

The bear roared, the sound ripping through the night air.

Lucy strained at the leash, barking so much her voice went hoarse.

Briana fired again, aiming over all of their heads.

Rafe ducked low, dragging Lucy toward him.

The bear dropped to all four feet, turned and ran into the woods, grumbling as he went.

Lucy tried to follow, but now she was close enough, Rafe grabbed her around her middle and carried to the cabin.

Briana backed into the cabin, pointing the gun at the ground. “Holy shit, Rafe. Holy shit.”

Rafe carried Lucy through the door and kicked it shut behind him before he dropped her on her feet.

Briana’s face was chalk white, and her eyes rounded. She trembled from head to toe. “Did you see that bear?”

He chuckled, took the gun from her shaking hands, dropped the magazine out of the handle, cleared the chamber and laid it on the table. Then he pulled her into his arms and held her tight. “Thank you for having the foresight to bring a gun with you.”

“He was so close.”

“Yes, he was.” So close, Rafe had felt his breath when he’d roared. “That was some quick thinking on your part.”

“I got up as soon as you left, thinking you might need a gun. Everyone says this is bear country.” She looked up into his eyes. “Holy hell. It is.”

“He’s gone. I think he was more scared of you than you were of him.” He smoothed the hair back from her forehead. “You were amazing. Fierce.”

“Terrified,” she whispered. “It almost got you and Lucy.”

“But it didn’t.” He tipped her chin up. “Because of you.”

“I almost forgot to flip the safety off.”

“But you did.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

“I did it,” her lips curved into a tremulous smile, “didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did.” He pulled her close, slipping his hands inside the silk of her robe and rubbed his hands over her smooth skin. “Thank you for saving Lucy and me.” He held her close, his cock hardening as her naked breasts pressed against his chest. He shrugged out of his jacket and draped it over the bedpost. Then he scooped her up into his arms, carried her to the bed and made sweet love to her.

They slept until the sun shone through the only window and Lucy insisted on going outside to relieve herself.

Rafe was more prepared this time, taking his gun in the shoulder holster. He was still kicking himself for being so clueless the night before. Making love to Briana seemed to have sucked his brain free of all braincells. He’d have to be more aware and stay on his toes. The bear could have been El Chefe’s hired thugs, and he’d have had less of a chance of surviving them. They’d have shot him on sight. From now on, he’d have to take all the precautions. For that matter, he might want to set Copyright 2016 - 2024