Delivering His Gifts (Mountain Men of Liberty #10)- K.C. Crowne Page 0,41

baby,” I said, kneeling in front of her. “We’re going to be just fine. There’s nothing for you to worry about.”

Inwardly, I was cursing Jim for bringing this stress into my daughter’s life. She was too young to worry about shit like this. When I was a child, my parents would often argue about money, and that feeling of financial instability never left me. I was always anxious, worried we’d be homeless one day, and that was the last thing I wanted for Skyler.

“But—but he said…” Her lips trembled.

“He’s just trying to scare me. But let me tell you something - your mommy doesn’t scare easily,” I promised her, pushing a strand of her blonde hair out of her face. “And no man is going to take our home away from us.”

Skyler nodded slowly, and I prayed she believed me, that she trusted me. Even if I wasn’t sure I deserved that trust.

My eyes fell on the contract he’d left behind, and my blood boiled. I’d meant what I’d said earlier - what he was doing wasn’t legal. But I also knew that legal aide in this part of the state was backed up for months. It was nearly impossible to get any help during the divorce case, and I couldn’t imagine the stress it would cause if I tried to fight now. If we had to wait, then Jim might come after our property, and all the drama that would ensue… No, if I could, it would be wiser to just pay it. Pay it and get on with our lives so Skyler didn’t have to deal with housing insecurity the way I did growing up.

Her little eyes were heavy with sleep, so I led her back to her room after letting the dogs in. Zeus was right on our heels and climbed into bed beside her as I tucked her back in.

“Everything is going to be okay,” I whispered to her, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “I promise.”

I waited until her breathing was even and calm, and then I slipped out of the bedroom. I left the door open a crack but went out onto the porch to make my phone call. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to keep my voice down, and I didn’t want to risk waking Skyler up again.

He picked up on the first ring. “Hello?”

“How dare you?” I said through gritted teeth. “You think you can scare me by sending Jim over here, huh? Well, let me tell you something, Greg, I don’t scare that easily.”

“What are you talking about?” Greg asked. “I didn’t send him over there. Frankly, I’m not happy you’re doing business with him at all. It was a stupid thing to do, Danielle, and really makes me doubt your ability to raise my child.”

“Our child. She’s mine, too,” I reminded him furiously. “And don’t act like you weren’t involved in this. He’s threatening to take the property, all based around an unethical contract. This has your scent all over it.”

“I didn’t send you to him, Dani. You went on your own, remember?”

“He’s a friend of yours, Greg.”

“I wouldn’t exactly call him a friend, but yes. I know him,” he admitted smugly. “It’s a small town, Danielle. Everyone knows everyone in Liberty, and I’m shocked that you hadn’t already heard of Jim’s shady reputation before signing a contract in the first place.”

I swallowed a lump in my throat. I’d never heard anything about him - not even from Greg himself. He was probably right. He likely wasn’t friends with Jim, at least not close friends, or else I’d have heard something about him over the years.

“He was a friend of my dad’s, mostly,” Greg said. “We keep in touch, but I’d never go into business with him, and signing a contract from him? Shit, Dani, I really thought you were smarter than that.”

He was right. How could I have been so stupid? I pushed that aside, thinking about the truck I’d seen out front. “Well, if you’re not involved with his threats, then why are you sitting outside my property right now?”

He sighed heavily as if bored with my questions. “I’m at home, Danielle. I was just getting ready to head to bed.”

“Liar. I’m staring at you right now,” I growled.

“I don’t know who you’re staring at, but it isn’t me.”

“Bullshit,” I muttered.

Nothing I said or did would get answers from Greg. He would only continue to berate me since he reveled in tearing down my Copyright 2016 - 2024