Delivering His Gifts (Mountain Men of Liberty #10)- K.C. Crowne Page 0,40

done when Greg had done this to me.

“I did you a favor,” my ex often shouted. “And this is how you’re going to repay me?”

I was young and naive back then, and I felt like I’d had no options. He’d used that against me. And here I was, even though I had tried my best to not find myself in the same situation again, owing a man who was going to use his “favor” against me.

Jim lowered his voice and kept talking, and I almost missed what he was saying. Finally, I pulled myself together.

“Now, this doesn’t mean much - I’m not going to take your home because you missed this. It just means your interest rates will go up. Pay me back in the time frame we agreed upon, and we’ll be squared away. I highly doubt you have the ability to take me to court, considering your financial situation and all.”

There was nothing I could say to dissuade him on that, because it was true. My options were fairly limited at the moment. And still, I couldn’t find my voice.

Dammit, Danielle - stop it. Pull yourself together. He isn’t Greg. You can stand up for yourself.


Before I could say anything, Jim stepped closer to me, too close. I backed up until I hit the wall, and he kept on coming. I knew I was shaking, but I couldn’t stop it. I couldn’t stop my legs from trembling and threatening to give out on me either.

I just stood there as he leered at me. His expression changed when he glanced to the side.

“Oh, hi there, sweetie,” Jim’s tone changed, and he backed away. “What are you doing up so late? Does Mommy not give you a bedtime? I doubt your daddy would be alright with that.” Jim looked at me with a maniacal grin.

“She was in bed, but you must have woken her,” I stated, finally finding my voice. I pushed myself away from the wall. “And what do you know about her father?” My eyes narrowed on the man.

“As I told you, we’re friends. I called him after you took out the loan, just to let him know what’s going on. Can’t say he was too pleased with the news, but I told him I would take good care of his daughter.” His tone was threatening.

I picked up on the message, and it creeped me the hell out. “Please leave,” I said. “Now.”

“Oh Danielle. Is that any way to treat someone who did you a favor?”

“I need to put my daughter back to bed,” I said, my voice raising. “Please leave before I call the police.”

“Is everything okay, Mommy?” Skyler’s little voice cracked.

“Everything’s fine, honey,” Jim answered her before I could, his voice low. “I’ll be leaving so there’s no more trouble.”

I clenched my jaw tightly. I so badly wanted to tell him to never talk to my daughter again, and never to call her honey. Instead, I walked over to Skyler and took her hand, shielding her with my body as if I had to protect her. Because even though Jim said he was leaving, something didn’t sit right with me, and my mother bear instinct kicked into high gear.

But Jim did as he said, turning and walking toward the door. Before I could breathe a sigh of relief, however, he stopped.

“I’m leaving this copy of the contract with you, with the new interest rates highlighted just so we’re clear. I would hate to see you out on the street, Ms. Baker, especially with your adorable little daughter. So please, pay as promised so I don’t have to take your home.”

He stepped through the door, dropping the contract on the end table beside it. I wasn’t ready to breathe yet.

I hurried to the door and locked both the handle and the dead bolt. I stared out the little window in the door, watching as Jim got in his car and left. As he pulled out of the driveway, I saw the shadow of a truck sitting out on the road. It was too dark and too far away to make out the details, but in the pit of my stomach, I knew who it was.

My insides were on fire as rage seethed from every organ in my body.

“Come on, sweetie,” I said, trying to make my tone as cheerful and bright as possible. “Let’s go back to bed.”

Skyler looked up at me with wide, terrified eyes. “Are we going to lose our home, Mommy?”

“No, of course, not, Copyright 2016 - 2024