Defect - By Ryann Kerekes Page 0,83

stuck up for me when the others were still weary and distrusting of the girl marked like a Defect.

She glances my way when I sit down next to her and simply nods. She’s a woman of few words, which I appreciate. She takes a closer look, noticing my sweater. “That’s new. It looks nice on you.”

I look down at my shoes. “Thanks. Kai got it for me.”

Her eyebrows raise. “You need to be careful with him.”

I stare back at her, confused. What does she think is happening between me and him? And how does she always seem to know things before I do?

Wilson steps into the center of our gathering, the fire behind him making him seem bigger and more ominous. Stone, the much younger second in command stands off to the side, and everyone takes their seats, knowing we’re about to begin.

Wilson explains the true reason for the second hasty mission to the fence. There is an uprising happening inside the compound walls and their ability to get more supplies is likely to be severely diminished as time progresses. They wanted to stockpile while they are still able. Wilson explains the Defects are planning a takeover from the capital, to stop the mindscans, to free everyone from the tyranny.

Stone steps forward against murmurings in the crowd. “We’re not in complete agreement here, but there are a few of us who think we should get involved.”

I lean forward on my seat, and notice Sage perks up too.

Stone continues. “Some of us have family, friends, ancestors inside the fence.” A few heads nod around me. “Others think we should worry about ourselves, just live our own lives, and not put ourselves in harm’s way.”

A male voice rings out from across the bonfire. “What could we contribute? We don’t have weapons like the other side does.”

The camp is divided – some think we should get involved in the uprising –join the other side and end this segregation once and for all. Others want to carry on with their peaceful lives here.

Wilson steps forward again. “Things are changing around us. We’ve survived at this little outpost better than expected, but this could be our chance. Our chance to make sure our children have access to the medicines and education and life they deserve. To take back everything the capital stole when they instituted the mindscan.”

Several people cheer their encouragement for his words.

Stone and Wilson stand together. “We’re organizing a party of men who will stand and fight with us. When the others arrive with the remainder of the supplies and more news of the political climate, we’ll head out.”

Upon this news, some remain stoic, other stand and shout, and some quietly sob. I’m too shocked to even react.

“The capital isn’t going to listen to a bunch of Defects and a handful of misfit Radicals. Get real. We’d have no upper hand, it’d be like walking into our own execution,” someone says.

I stand up, my legs shaking and step forward. “I know a way to get the capitol to listen.”

Heads turn in my direction, but I look to Kai to measure his reaction. His mouth has dropped open and he’s silently shaking his head no. Sage’s knowing smile makes me think she knew I would do something like this all along.

“I escaped the threat of the capital wanting to execute me. They planned to make it look like an accident.” The intake of breath around me only fortifies me to continue. “With the promise of being able to capture me – the officials will have to meet with us, to hear us out. And I know with all the public fanfare, they won’t kill me. There would be an uprising.”

Of course my true motivation is much different than they might suspect. Sage sees right through me, and I’m pretty sure Kai does too. I might be walking into my own demise, but where Will is concerned, my curiosity’s too strong. A pack of wolves couldn’t hold me back from their expedition. Hope blooms in my chest for the first time in six months. I could find my mother, I could see Will, and Rena…

“Out of the question. A woman is a liability,” Wilson says.

Stone stands, coming to my aid. “You’ve seen Eve with a weapon. She’s a better shot than most of our men. She’s had training – she knows her way around at the compound. We’d be foolish not to bring her.”

Wilson merely grunts and gives a nod. Too stunned to speak, too Copyright 2016 - 2024