Defect - By Ryann Kerekes Page 0,78

request to take me out. I nod once and Kai offers me his arm. “We won’t go far. We’ll just take a stroll through the village.”

I nod again and place my hand on his forearm. “Okay.” My legs are weak and shaky from lack of use, and I let him help me to the door. After slipping into my shoes, we head outside. The direct sunlight is harsh and unwelcome. Being outside reminds me of running laps with Will. I couldn’t run right now to save my life. Good thing I don’t have to. Their little village appears safe and well-orgaznied. A grouping of several small cabins sit off in the distance. Sage’s cabin is the only one on this side of the hill. I hadn’t realized she kept herself separated like this – but I guess it makes sense; she seems like a loner.

Kai leads me down the worn trail toward the center of the village and the cabins, and I can see people out and about. My stomach cramps at the sight of them. As we get closer, mothers usher their children inside and grown men stand to watch me pass, their eyes leaping to my tattoo. They watch me like a caged animal and if I didn’t know better, I’d think they’re afraid of me.

I sense a shift in the air around me. It’s tense and not at all comfortable.

Kai releases a deep sigh. “This is ridiculous,” he mutters under his breath. He grabs my hand and holds it firmly in his. For a moment I consider breaking the connection, until I realize this is his way of showing them I don’t pose a threat. Eyes widen and travel between me and Kai in understanding.

Great now everyone probably thinks we’re a couple. But I suppose it’s better than them thinking I’m about to snap and take out half the village. As if I could even if I wanted to. I’m already tired from walking the hundred paces from Sage’s cottage. I tug on Kai’s hand and kind blue eyes meet mine.

“Can you take me somewhere else?”

He nods in understanding. “Of course.”

Even though I don’t want to be here, having a tour guide is nice. And one afternoon out of Sage’s dusty home won’t kill me. I’m liable to develop bed sores if I spend any more time lying there.

Kai gives my hand a tug. “Think you can make it a little farther?”

I nod.

“I’ll show you where I found you.”

“You found me?”

He nods.

I guess I hadn’t thought of who had stumbled across me, or exactly where I’d been found. Kai leads me over a ridge and the sun chooses that moment to grace us with its presence. The entire meadow is awash in pretty orange light. Little white flowers erupt from the ground and the tall grasses swish and sway in the breeze, whispering Will’s name. My chest gets tight and I sink to the ground, the hard earth biting into my knees.

“Eve?” Kai drops down beside me, lifting my chin. “What is it? Should I take you back?”

A single tear escapes and drops to the ground. I shake my head. “No. Not yet.”

He folds me into his arms, and I don’t protest. I can’t. It’s not like when Will held me, but it’s something. At least I don’t feel quite so alone. “Come here.” He lifts me from the ground and carries me several paces before setting me on my feet. “This is where I found you. Surrounded by wildflowers, the sun streaming down on you. I thought you were an angel at first.” He smiles shyly.

I look down at my feet. His kindness toward me is misplaced. I’m not who he thinks I am. I’m an imposter. “I shouldn’t be here.” I swallow the emotion down.

“I’ll take you back now.”

I simply nod.

Kai stoops to the ground and plucks one of the white flowers. “Here. For you.” He holds it out as a peace offering.

I take the flower, balancing the delicate weight of it in my palm, and can’t help but remember Will picking wild edible plants for me. This flower in comparison feels useless, silly.

Chapter 30

~ Six Months Later ~

Winter passed in a series of frigid nights spent around the hearth, watching glittering white snow dropping from the sky and lots of knitting with Sage. Spring has brought back the brilliance and warmth of the sun and hope blooms in my heart.

As I suspected, my welcome at Sage’s quickly ran its course and I’ve now been Copyright 2016 - 2024