Defect - By Ryann Kerekes Page 0,39

I imagined it; but no, instead of Sterling or 5491, he called me Eve. “Do you believe me?” he asks.

For a second I don’t answer. I just stare at the floor, at the space between our feet. He lifts my chin to meet his eyes. Even after I’ve raised my head to look at him, he doesn’t move his hand away. Standing this close to him, all my senses are heightened, blood rushes in my ears, and my heart thumps unevenly in my chest.

The door opens, bathing us in unwelcome light. I stumble back from him, just as Sam and Sabrina step out of the door. “Oh, there you are.” Sam looks back and forth between Will and me. “Come on.” She takes my arm. “We better get some sleep for tomorrow.”

As I walk away, I can still feel Will’s eyes watching me all the way through the basement.

Chapter 15

In the morning I’m up before the alarm blasts us awake. I was too keyed up to sleep, so after tossing and turning for the last forty-five minutes, I decided to get out of bed and sort through my supplies. I waver between bringing the backpack or just leaving it behind, since I don’t want to become a target out there. But then I compromise, keeping the most important items strapped to my body, and if someone comes after me for the backpack, my plan is to drop it and run.

I take the bread I’ve folded into napkins and tuck it into the one pocket I have on the front of my shirt. I take the knife from the backpack and put it along the waistband of my pants. I tuck the water purification tablets into my sports bra and unroll several lengths of the first aid tape, wrapping it around my stomach, just in case I need it.

The backpack contains the tarp, water bottle, more food and the matches. I can’t imagine wanting to light a fire out there tonight since it’ll lead anyone who’s interested straight to me.

At breakfast it’s clear the contents of my file are no longer a secret. Word has spread that I’m different – inconclusive – a simple word that has been made to sound dirty. Though I never judged the others for the defects in their mindscans, they don’t offer me the same courtesy. I hear whispers and see people looking in my direction, but most people steer clear of our table, including Lexi, which is fine with me. Alex, Sabrina and Sam still sit with me, and after agonizing over the decision, Jake finally joins us, too.

“Team Eve,” Alex says, raising his glass of orange juice in a toast.

“As opposed to?” I ask.

Alex tilts his head to the other side of the cafeteria. “Team Lexi.”

We raise our glasses in the strange toast, and as grateful as I am for my friends, I know they won’t be able to protect me today.

The cafeteria is eerily silent as we choke down thick pancakes and soggy bacon. My stomach is too nervous to feel hungry, but I know this is my last meal for thirty hours so I eat every bite, and drink three cups of water. It’ll make running difficult, but I’ll need the fuel.

All the recruits line up outside against the wall. I am the only one with a backpack and I’m instantly sorry I brought it. I can sense everyone looking at me – at it – and in that moment, I become target number one. But they’d have to catch me first, and I don’t plan on letting that happen. I know it’s silly, but this backpack is my connection to Will. I won’t let anyone take it from me. I just hope I won’t live to regret this decision.

My closeness with Will last night seems forgotten. He stands at attention, looking straight ahead as O’Donovan reminds us of the rules. We’ll enter the woods one at a time in reverse order of our last rank, so seven people will go before me. With Lexi being the first. When Kane motions her forward, her eyes are big, and for once, her cool swagger has melted away. She follows Kane to an old, rusted out military Jeep and climbs inside. It doesn’t have any doors, and I see her bump around inside as they navigate the open field that leads to the woods.

I can only follow the Jeep’s progression as far as the tree cover before the winding road along the edge of Copyright 2016 - 2024