Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,94

in danger. Had it been dark, had his strength been undiminished, he would have lunged at Hamblin and wrested the gun from his grasp. But not now. Not when it took all his energy just to remain on his feet.

"Okay," Hamblin said. "She can go." Kara shook her head. "No, Alex, I'm not leaving


"Go on, Kara." I'll find you.


Trust me, Kara. You've got to go now, before he changes his mind.

I don't want to leave you! Not here. Not like this.

Kara, get out of here! I'm in no danger. Barrett needs me alive.

Leaving him was the last thing she wanted, but she knew it was the right thing to do. At least, if she was free, she might be able to help. If Barrett caught her again, the best she could hope for was to be imprisoned while he experimented on her. The worst-case scenario was one she couldn't bring herself to contemplate.

Rising on tiptoe, she wrapped her arms around Alex. "I love you," she whispered, and then she kissed him. And for a moment, nothing else existed in all the world but this man and the love that enveloped them.

And then Alex was putting her away from him, urging her to go.

And because she knew it was the only way to help him, she went. Tears blurred her vision as she unlocked the door to her Camry and slid behind the wheel. She started the engine, then sat there for a moment, staring at the house, afraid she'd never see Alex again. Blinking back her tears, she backed out of the driveway and drove down the street.

She saw Barrett's car pull up in front of the house as she turned the corner.

Alex sank down onto the sofa as soon as he knew Kara was safe. The drive across town had been torture; now he closed his eyes and surrendered to the pain.

He heard footsteps and knew that Barrett had arrived. And still he sat there, his eyes closed, conserving what little strength he had left while he listened to the two men.

"Where's the girl?" Barrett asked, his voice sharp.

"She got away."

"Got away? How?"

"The alien tried to fight. He killed Kelsey, and then turned on me. We struggled, and the girl escaped."

"Secure his hands," Barrett said curtly. "Use these."

Alex opened his eyes as Hamblin cuffed his hands together. They weren't ordinary shackles. A few inches of heavy chain ran from one thick iron cuff to the other.

Alex smiled faintly. Barrett was taking no chances this time. But it didn't matter. Kara was safe.

"Let's go," Barrett said.

Alex shook his head. "The sun . . ."

"We're going," Barrett said firmly. "Now."

It was useless to argue. Barrett wanted to move him now, while he was too weak to cause any trouble.

"Keep him between us," Barrett said.

Alex blinked against the sunlight as they left the house. The street, filled with kids an hour ago, was deserted. A nondescript dark brown van stood at the curb. Barrett backed it up the driveway, opened the door, and motioned Alex inside. Hamblin climbed in beside him, and Barrett closed the door.

Hamblin leaned closer to Alex. "That checkbook better be there," he whispered.

"It's there."

Moments later, Barrett opened the back door of the van and dumped Kelsey's body inside. "I went through the house and wiped everything off," he informed Hamblin.

"What are you gonna dowith Kelsey?"

"We'll dump him in an alley somewhere. There's nothing to connect him with us."

A few minutes later, they were headed out of the city.

Back toSilverdale, Alex surmised. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep. He would need all his strength for what was to come.
Chapter Twenty-six
Sarah Waite answered the door, her face registering surprise and alarm when she saw Kara.

"Hello, Mrs. Waite," Kara said, combing her fingers through her hair. "Is Cherise home?"

"Yes, she is." Mrs. Waite narrowed the opening in the doorway. "Is anything wrong?"

"I need to talk to Cherise. Please, it's important."

Mrs. Waite hesitated a moment, then took a step backward. "Come in. Cherise is in the front room watching TV."

"Thank you."

Cherise Waite was a pretty girl, with a slender figure, brown eyes, and straight brown hair. She glanced up as Kara entered the room, her eyes growing wide.


"Hello, Cherise. Has Gail called today?"

"Not yet. It's only three-thirty. She always calls at four."

Kara glanced at Mrs. Waite. "Is it okay if I wait here?"

"Of course. Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Yes, please."

"Make yourself at home."

Kara sat in the easy chair next to the sofa. "Has Gail Copyright 2016 - 2024