Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,93

eyes filled with concern as he studied the red welt on her cheek, the blood oozing from her lip.

Are you all right?

She nodded. Kelsey's in the kitchen.

The warning came too late. Kelsey stepped through the doorway, grinning as he aimed his gun at Alexander's chest.

"Nice of you to bring lunch," Kelsey remarked. "What'd you do with Mitch?"

Alex didn't say anything, just stared at Kelsey. And then he lifted his other hand, revealing Hamblin's weapon. "Drop your gun."

Kelsey reacted in the blink of an eye, the gun in his hand swinging from Alex to Kara as he thumbed back the hammer. "You drop your gun, or she's dead."

"You'll die first."

"I'm willing to take that chance," Kelsey said, his eyes cold. "Are you?"


"Then drop the gun."

Slowly, Alex did as he was told.

"Put the box down."

Again, Alex did as he was told. Conscious of Kelsey following his every move, he placed the pizza box on the coffee table, his gaze never leaving the man's face.


I hear you.

Can you distract him?



Groaning softly, Kara lifted her bound hands to her cheek, and then she began to cry, softly at first, and then louder.

"Shut up," Kelsey growled. "Mitch? Can you hear me?"

Kara began to sob. "Please let me go," she cried. She tugged at Kelsey's coat, forcing him to turn toward her. "Please let me go!"

"Get your hands off me!"

Kelsey batted Kara's hands away, but she hung on tightly. "Please let me go!" She pulled on his coat again.

In that instant, Alex dropped to the floor, grabbed Mitch's gun, and fired. The bullet struck Kelsey in the chest and he stumbled backward, crashing down onto the sofa beside Kara. The gun fell from his hand and skittered across the floor.

Alex grabbed Kara, staggered, then pulled her to her feet and started toward the kitchen. "Don't move."

Alex glanced over his shoulder to see Kelsey's partner standing in the doorway. Blood trickled from the cut in the young man's temple. Kelsey's .357 was steady in his hand. "Don't move," Hamblin repeated. Alex swore softly. "Let us go." Hamblin shook his head.

"I'll make it worth your while," Alex said. He felt Kara stirbeside him and he squeezed her hand, willing her to be silent. "I'm a wealthy man. Just name your price, and it's yours if you let us go. Barrett doesn't have to know. You can tell him we escaped."

"I don't believe you."

"A hundred thousand dollars," Alex said, his voice caressing the words. "All you have to do is let us go."

"How will I get the money?"

"Come with us. I'll write you a check." Hamblin licked his lips. A hundred thousand dollars was a pile of money, more than he'd ever dreamed of. It made the few hundred dollars Barrett paid him each week seem like chicken feed.

Kara's gaze moved from Alex to Hamblin and back again. She could feel Alex swaying beside her. Tightening her grip on his hand, she let her mind merge with his, felt the pain that engulfed him.

Comprehension dawned as she glanced at the window. The sun was still up. He had come after her during the day, exposing himself to the sun's deadly light.

Hamblin shook his head again. "No. I'd be a fool to trust you, and a bigger fool to go anywhere with the two of you."

"Then let Kara go. She's no use to Barrett any longer. It's my blood he wants. My blood he needs."

Again, Hamblin shook his head.

"He's going to kill her," Alex said, his voice edged with panic. "Do you want her blood on your conscience?"

For the first time, Hamblin looked uncertain.

"My checkbook is in my desk at home. Once Barrett's taken me back to his lab, you can go to my house and get it. Fill out a check. Bring it to me. I'll sign it."

Kara looked up at Alex, worried by the suddenchoppiness of his words. She could feel the weakness growing within him, knew he remained on his feet by sheer force of will. Remorse filled her heart. She never should have come home, should have known Barrettwould look for her here, that Alex would come after her.

"A hundred thousand dollars," Alex said again. "No one will know."

Hamblin licked his lips. It sounded so easy.

"Make up your mind," Alex said. He clung to Kara's hand, drawing on her strength. The trip across town to her house had been excruciating. Even inside the truck, the sun had found him, burning his eyes, draining his strength. But he'd known he couldn't wait for nightfall, known Kara was Copyright 2016 - 2024