Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,75

I understand it, I'm to tell you something the woman can't possibly know, and you're going to send it to her telepathically. Is that right?"

Alex nodded.

Barrett grunted softly. "Something she couldn't possibly know." He stroked his jaw thoughtfully. "My mother's maiden name is Dagdiggian. My favorite color is yellow. And I have eighty-five dollars in my wallet. Three twenties, two tens, and five ones. Tell her that." Barrett opened the door. "I'll be waiting in her room. Kelsey, Handeland, keep an eye on him."

"Right, doc."


Alex? What's wrong?

Nothing. I don't have time to explain. Barrett's coming to your room. Be careful while he's there. I don't want him to know that you can communicate with me. I've told him I can control your mind, that I can make you forget everything that's happened.

Can you?

Yes. Listen to me. He should be there any time.

He just came in.

All right.

He's asking me questions. What should I do?

Answer him. His mother's maiden name is Dagdiggian. His favorite color is yellow, and he's carrying eighty-five dollars in his wallet. Three twenties, two tens, and five ones.

A few minutes later, the doctor returned to Alex's room.

"Impressive," Barrett remarked. "Very impressive."

"Now will you let her go?"

"It doesn't prove anything except that you can plant thoughts in her mind. How will I know you've erased everything from her memory?"

"You'll know. She won't know who you are. She won't remember anything that happened after the accident."

"I don't know."

"Don't listen to him," Handeland said. "There's too much at stake here. If you don't have the balls to take care of the girl,I'll do it."

"Shut up," Barrett snapped. "I'm making the decisions here, and don't you forget it."

"He's right," Kelsey said. "All the alien has to do is tell the girl to pretend she doesn't remember anything. There's no way to prove he's done it."

"Of course there is, you idiot! Another dose of pentobarbital will tell me what I need to know." Barrett jerked a thumb toward the door. "Go on, you two, get out of here."

Kelsey and Handeland exchanged glances.

"Here, you might need this," Handeland said. He handed his Luger to Barrett. "Let's go, Nate."

"I'm comin'," Kelsey replied. "Holler if you need us."

"I didn't think you could do it," Barrett remarked. "I want to know more about this mind link. If I gave your blood to Kelsey, would you be able to communicate with him in the same way?"

"I don't know. I've never given my blood to anyone but Kara." The lie rolled easily off his tongue.

"I see." Barrett drummed his fingers on the cart beside the table as he pondered the possibilities of mind control. "What other tricks have you got up your sleeve?"

"A few."

"Tell me."

"Not until you let her go."

"Are you in love with her?"

"What if I am?"

Barrett shrugged. "It poses some interesting questions. Is it possible for you to mate with our species?"

"Let her go."

Barrett swore. "I can make you talk, you know.

A dose of sodium pentobarbital can be very persuasive."

"And I can be very stubborn."

"You mean the drug won't work?"

"I don't know what the effect would be. Could be fatal. Could alter my blood chemistry in some way. Who knows?"

"There are tests . . ."

"Tests take time. Let her go, and I'll tell you whatever you want to know. I give you my word."

"Your word?" Barrett sneered. "What makes you think I'd take your word?"

"My people have mastered space travel. We've banished war from our planet. There's very little sickness. The average life span of my people is a hundred and twenty-five years. We're not savages, doctor. We're not sub-human. We're not animals. My word is as good as yours." He grinned wryly. "Better, no doubt. Were you on my planet, you would be considered vastly inferior."

"But I'm not on your world. You're on mine. And I mean to take advantage of everything you know."

Alex took a deep breath, held it for stretched seconds before he released it. "Then let her go."

"Answer me one thing. Is it possible for you to procreate with our people?"


Barrett grinned. "You're lying. I think, before I turn her loose, we'll find out."

"No! It could bedangerous to Kara. I won't put her life in danger."

But Barrett wasn't listening. "Consider the possibilities," he said, pacing the floor. "A half-alien baby. Think of the research, the chance to study an alien life form from infancy, to raise it as my own."

"Your own guinea pig, you mean. Dammit, Barrett, we had a deal!"

"We had nothing."

Anger surged through Alex as he envisioned the kind of life Copyright 2016 - 2024