Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,74

said ten cc's would be enough. He's got two dozen vials ready to go. How much you figure to sell them for?"

"I haven't decided." Barrett readied a syringe, found a vein in the alien's arm, then watched the syringe fill with blood, noticing again that it was darker and thicker than human blood. "Each case will be different, depending on income and need." He handed the vial to Kelsey. "Take that to Phillips. And remind Handeland that I want him here at seven tonight."


"Has Mitch had any luck finding the old ladies and the girl?"

"Not yet, but he's still looking. I'll drop this off at the lab, and then I'm going to lunch."

"Seven," Barrett reminded him. "Don't be late."

"Yeah, yeah," Kelsey muttered.

Barrett grunted as Kelsey left the room. The man was an irritant, but he was loyal, and, like Handeland, he was capable of doing whatever needed to be done.

His gaze ran over the alien. He was a remarkable specimen, apparently in his prime, long and lean, with well-muscled arms and legs. A creature from outer space. It was still hard to believe. He shook his head. By this time next year, he'd be a wealthy man. His name would be known throughout the civilized world. His life story would be related in newspapers, magazines, medical journals.

He smiled as he imagined himself restoring health and vitality to those who could afford the price of a vial of blood. People would pay whatever he asked to save the life of a loved one stricken with a fatal disease or on the brink of death. But that was only the tip of the iceberg. How much more would people be willing to pay for the promise of immortality? There would have to be tests, of course. Once he had proved that the alien's blood increased the life span of lab rats, he would have to conduct tests on human subjects. That was the least of his worries. He had no doubt that he would find volunteers by the hundreds, the thousands. People who were sick, dying, would be only too happy to volunteer simply for the chance of being cured of their disease. Testing might take years, but he was a patient man. As soon as he sold the first vials of blood, he would have enough money to do all the research required.

He glanced at the alien. They couldn't keep him strapped to that table forever. They'd have to find a place to house him, some place close at hand so his blood would be readily available, some way to regulate the amount of sunlight he received, a way to keep him docile without inflicting any permanent physical damage.

The alien's eyes opened, and Barrett wondered what the creature was thinking. It was an intelligent species. He would be wise to remember that at all times.

Barrett took a deep breath, feeling a surge of power flow through him. Soon, he would have everything he had ever dreamed of: wealth, fame, power, his name in the record books alongside Curie and Salk.

Soon, he would have answers to the questions that had plagued scientists for centuries.

Soon, he would hold the power of life and death in his hands.

Alex waited until Barrett left the room and then, knowing it was futile, he tugged against the straps that imprisoned him. He had to get out of here, had to get Kara out of here before it was too late.

He glared at the heavy straps that bound his wrists, at the iron bands that crossed his chest, remembering how Barrett and Kelsey had talked over him as if he were a piece of furniture, as if he couldn't speak or think. It was humiliating, degrading, to know that Barrett considered him less than human simply because he came from another planet.

Insufferable creature! If only he weren't so weak, he'd rip the leather straps apart, and then he'd rip Barrett and Kelsey to shreds. If only . . .

Muttering an oath, he closed his eyes. There was no time for anger or thoughts of revenge, not now. It was time to rest, to gather his strength for the battle to come.
Chapter Twenty-two
Barrett was prompt. He showed up in Alexander's room with his two accomplices at seven sharp. It didn't escape Alex's notice that Kelsey and Handeland were both carrying weapons. Kelsey favored a .357 Magnum, while Handeland carried a Luger.

"So," Barrett said, getting right to the point. "Let's get to it, shall we?"

"I'm ready when you are."

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