Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,71

preliminary tests. It seems that it's the alien's blood that holds the key. His blood is incredibly powerful. When mixed with human blood, it produces the necessary curative powers in varying degrees of potency. Unfortunately, the results don't last." Barrett shook his head. "We've established the fact that, to secure permanent results, the alien's blood must be pure, so, as you can see, we have no further need of you."

"Then I can go home?" Even as she voiced the question, she knew what Barrett's answer would be.

The doctor shook his head. "I'm afraid not."


"I'm sorry, but you must know I can't allow you to leave here."

"I won't say anything to anyone, I swear."

"I'd like to believe you, but I'm afraid I can't. There's too much at stake here. Surely you can see what a marvelous find this is! His blood restores life! Think of what we might accomplish. At this time, it doesn't seem to be effective in healing broken bones, but it cures disease. It restores life!" Barrett shook his head. "With sufficient research, we might discover that the alien's blood holds the key to curing cancer, AIDS, heart and kidney disease. The possibilities are endless."

Barrett began to pace the floor. "And the possibility of extending our life span. Think of it! He's lived for two hundred years. Of course, there's no way to know if an injection of his blood will lengthen a normal life span, or if there might be more involved than that, but think of the possibilities!"

He rubbed his hands together, the gesture reminding Kara of a miser contemplating an increase in his wealth. "We've already started testing on lab rats. In time, we'll need human subjects, but they shouldn't be hard to find."

"No doubt you're doing all this out of the generosity of your heart," Kara remarked sarcastically, "and this boon to mankind will be available to rich and poor alike."

Barrett stopped pacing. "The first, experimental doses will, of course, be offered free. After that, I'm afraid we'll have to be more circumspect." He shrugged. "After all, the alien has only so much blood. Unless we can find a way to reproduce it synthetically, I'm afraid the price will be dear."

Kara stared at Barrett, horrified by his constant use of the term "alien." To Barrett, Alex was no longer a man, but an inhuman species. As such, he didn't merit consideration or mercy. Barrett could experiment on Alex, abuse him, confine him, with a clear conscience.

"You can't keep Alex locked up for the rest of his life!" Kara exclaimed in horror. Alex might live another two hundred years. She tried to imagine what it would be like for him, to spend the rest of his days locked up, being poked and prodded, while vials of his blood were sold to the highest bidder.

"The rest of his life," Barrett repeated. "Who knows how long that might be?" He chuckled softly. "Don't waste your time worrying about him. He's not human, after all." Barrett frowned thoughtfully. "Think of it! I hold the living proof that there are life forms on distant planets. Who knows, once I've found a way to reproduce his blood synthetically, I might turn him over to the government."

Barrett nodded slowly, as if a new thought had just occurred to him. "Think of what he might be able to tell them, the advances we could make in space travel. This could be a boon to the space industry! Well, no point in thinking of that now,"he said briskly. "I've got too much to do."

With a curt nod, Barrett headed for the door.

"Wait!" Kara grabbed the doctor's arm. "What are you going to do with me?"

"I'm afraid you've become a liability. Miss Crawford. But don't worry. I am a doctor, after all. Your demise will be quick and painless, I promise."

"No! Please let me go home."

"I'm sorry." He stared at her, a flicker of genuine regret in his pale blue eyes. "Sorry," he said again, and left the room.

The sound of the key turning in the lock sounded like a death knell.

Kara stared at the door. Quick and painless. Somehow, the words weren't very comforting.
Chapter Twenty-one
Pain. It was all he knew. He closed his eyes against the harsh glare of the sun, but there was no way to avoid its light, or its heat upon his naked flesh.

Weak, so weak he couldn't concentrate, couldn't control his thoughts. Couldn't resist the memories . . .

Of AnnaMara . . . smiling at him across a dinner Copyright 2016 - 2024