Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,70

Now, at night, it was covered, no doubt to prevent him from absorbing the light of the moon. She had been thorough in her betrayal, he mused bleakly. Dawn was only hours away, not enough time for his strength to return. He shuddered at the thought of spending another day at the sun's mercy.

Closing his eyes again, he summoned what strength he had and let his mind search for Kara. Some instinct, some deep well of trust, told him she would not have willingly betrayed him. Perhaps, if she was near, he would be able to sense her presence, hear her thoughts.

At first he sensed nothing, and then images flickered in his mind: A small green room. An iron-barred window covered with a board. A utilitarian wooden chair, a small table, a lamp with a bare bulb. Kara, kneeling beside a narrow bed, her head bowed, her hands clasped. She was praying. Praying for him.

Kara . . .


He clenched his hands into fists as he fought to focus on her voice. Are you . . . all right?

Yes,she replied tremulously. Are you?

Where . . . where are you?

I don't know.

Tell me . . . what's happened?

Barrett gave me some of your blood, and then he drew some of mine. Shortly after that, they locked me in this room. I haven't seenBarrett since.

He clung to the sound of her voice, to the knowledge that she was still alive and apparently unhurt. Has he said anything?

No. They must be testing my blood to see if there's been any change since the transfusion. Alex, I'm afraid.

She wasn't afraid for her own life, he knew, but for his. Her concern wrapped around his heart, warm and soft, like layers of cotton.

Alex? How long can you endure the sunlight?

As long as I must.

But you've always avoided it!

It's only painful, Kara.He hesitated, wondering if he should tell her the truth.

Alex? What aren't you telling me?

There's no danger,he replied slowly, unless Barrett bleeds me excessively.

I'm sorry I got you into this.

Not your fault . . .Indeed, he mused ruefully, he had no one to blame but himself. If he had stayed out of her life, none of this would have happened. And yet, he couldn't be sorry he had saved Kara's life, only that he had caused her pain.

It's not your fault, either. And I'm glad we met, glad for the time we had together.

Alex stared at the skylight, stunned by the knowledge that she had read his thoughts.

Why are you so surprised?she asked. We've been communicating this way for quite a while.

But I was sending you my thoughts . . . planting them in your mind . . . and reading yours in return.


I did not send the thoughts you just received.

So now I can read your mind?He heard the wonder in her voice.

So it would seem.

Alex, it's almost morning.

I know. . . He stared at the skylight. He could sense dawn approaching, knew the sun was climbing over the horizon. Soon, the cover would lift, leaving him exposed to the burning rays of the sun. And even as the thought crossed his mind, the cover began to roll back.

He closed his eyes against the brightness, groaned softly as he felt the first faint rays of the sun touch his skin. Soon the pain would be excruciating. How long could he endure the light of the sun before it killed him? He had always been careful to avoid the sunlight, but had no idea what effect two days of constant exposure would have.

Alex? Alex, are you all right?

He heard her voice but lacked the strength, the concentration, to answer.

Kara called Alex's name again, but he didn't answer. She tried to probe his mind, but to no avail, and then she heard the sound of footsteps in the corridor outside her room, the rattle of a key in the lock. A moment later, Barrett entered her room.

"So, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"You mustn't leave Alex in the sun."


"He'll die. You don't want him dead, do you?"

"It didn't seem to do him any harm yesterday other than causing some discomfort."

"I know, but too much will kill him."

"You wouldn't lie to me, would you?"

"Yes, but not about this."

"So, that's the way it is." Barrett rubbed a hand over his jaw.

"Please don't make him suffer."

"I'll take care of it. You're quite right. I don't want him dead. You, on the other hand, seem to have outlived your usefulness."

Kara went suddenly cold all over. "What do you mean?"

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