Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,107

looking for us."

Kara nodded. "He doesn't seem like the type to give up, does he?" She stared ahead at the road for a few minutes, then asked, "What about Gail, and Nana?"

"Once we're settled, you can send for them."

She nodded her agreement even though she wasn't crazy about the idea of moving. She liked it here. Her job was here . . . her job! She hadn't thought about her job in weeks. When they reached Eagle Flats, she'd have to call her boss and try to explain. Or maybe just call and quit, if they hadn't already replaced her.

With a sigh, she realized she no longer had to work. She was about to become the wife of a rich man. The thought made her smile. She could stay home, be a housewife. And a mother . . .



"How long are women pregnant on ErAdona?"

"Nine months, just like here."

Well, she mused, that was a relief. "Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?"

"It doesn't matter. So long as it's healthy. So long as you survive."

"I'd like a boy," she said. "One with black hair and dark eyes, just like you."

Just like you . . .Her words echoed in his mind. Just like you. Would his child have to live forever in the shadows, unable to run and play in the sun? Would they have to hide it away from the world? Would it even survive?

"Alex, you promised not to worry until there was something to worry about."

"Reading my mind, natayah?"

"No, just the expression on your face."

"We'll be in Eagle Flats soon. You haven't changed your mind about marrying me, have you?"

"No." She glanced at her attire, and frowned. "I would like to be married in something a little nicer than jeans and a sweater. Do you think we could go shopping tonight, and get married tomorrow?"

"If you wish." He smiled at her, his heart filled with love and tenderness. "What would you like me to wear?"

"A black suit, of course."

"And what will you wear?"

"I don't know. I always dreamed of getting married in a long white dress in a church filled with flowers."

"No doubt you always dreamed of marrying a human male, as well."

"Alex, don't!"

"You shouldn't have to settle for less than your dreams, Kara."

"You're every dream I've ever had," she said fervently. "Anyway, we can have a big wedding later, if it's all right with you."

"Whatever you wish."

"Maybe you don't want to marry me," she said. "I've been nothing but trouble since you met me."

"Kara! You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

She smiled at him. "And I feel the same."

"Ah, Kara," he said softly. "Forgive me for being such a fool. It's just that I feel you deserve so much more than you're getting."

"Am I complaining?"

"No. But then, you never do."

"Are you happy?"


"Me, too. So, it's all settled. We'll shop tonight and get married tomorrow. And live happily ever after, just like Cinderella and the prince." She stared at him as a new thought crossed her mind. "Alex, we can't get married! We don't have a license."

"I know a minister who will marry us, Kara. He's a big fan of mine."

The Eagle Flats mall wasn't overly large, but it had several nice shops. Alex bought a black suit and tie, a white shirt, new shoes and socks, then sat on a hard-backed chair while Kara tried on dresses. It took her an hour to find one she liked, and then she refused to let him see it, saying it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride's dress before the wedding.

It was near midnight when they reached the cavern. They put away the groceries they'd bought just before they left town, then settled in front of the fireplace. Only then did Alex recall he was supposed to meet Hamblin at the bank. He swore under his breath.

"What's wrong?" Kara asked.

Alex shrugged. "Nothing. I was supposed to meet Hamblin at the bank at ten."

"We can do it tomorrow, can't we?"

Alex nodded. Tomorrow would have to be soon enough.

It was near dawn when they went to bed.

Kara snuggled up to Alex, her head pillowed on his shoulder.

Tomorrow night, she mused sleepily. Tomorrow night she would be Mrs. Alexander J. Claybourne.
Chapter Thirty
It was full dark when they drove down the mountain to Eagle Flats. Kara couldn't help feeling nervous. She was about to be married. To an alien. She was carrying his child.No matter that she loved him with all her heart and soul, she knew her Copyright 2016 - 2024