Deeper than the Night - By Amanda Ashley Page 0,106

head. "Well, what a day this has been. Guess I'd better fix dinner. Jim will be home soon." She pulled some potatoes out of the fridge. "Wanna help me peel these?"


"Ah, listen, since your grandmother doesn't know about the baby, she probably doesn't know you and Alex are . . . I mean . . . anyway, Alex can sleep on the hide-a-bed in the den."

Kara nodded. "That will be fine."

The evening passed pleasantly. Nancy's husband and Alex seemed to hit it off and the conversation at the dinner table was relaxed and easy, as if they'd all been friends for years instead of hours. At one point, Nancy mentioned that her sister was expecting a baby, which led the women into a discussion of pregnancy and childbirth. Kara listened avidly, only then realizing how very little she actually knew about having a baby. She'd never realized babies required so many things baby clothes, cribs, diapers, bottles, playpens, high chairs the list seemed to go on and on.

After dinner, they watched television for a while. About nine o'clock Nana and Mrs. Zimmermann retired to their beds. Nancy and her husband said good-night an hour later.

"Gail, I think it's time we called it a night, too."

"It's only ten o'clock!"

"I know, but it won't hurt you to go to bed early for once."

"Oh, all right. Good-night, Alex."


Kara kissed Alex on the cheek. "See you tomorrow."

"Sleep well."

"You, too."

Alone in the living room, Alex switched off the TV, then went out into the backyard. Head back, he stared up at the moon, basking in its cool light, sighing as he felt his body rejuvenate itself.

She was pregnant.

The very idea scared the hell out of him.

Alex? Are you awake?

Yes. Is anything wrong?

No, I'm just lonely for you.

Come to me, then.

He went back into the house; moments later, Kara was sitting beside him on the sofa. He drew her into his arms, holding her close, grateful beyond words that she was alive and well, that they were together again, as they were meant to be.

There was no need for words between them. He knew her thoughts as he knew his own. Wrapped in his arms, secure in his embrace, she quickly fell asleep.

He held her all through the night, content to hold her, to look at her, to walk in her dreams.

With the coming of dawn, he woke her with a kiss. "You'd better go back to your room," he said."I don't want to upset your grandmother."

"Me, either. See you later."

She kissed him once, twice, and then, reluctantly, slipped out of his arms and went back to her own room.

They left for Eagle Flats at dusk. Kara hugged Nana, assuring her that she wouldn't be gone long, and then went to say good-bye to Gail, who was still sulking because she couldn't go with them.

"Remember, Gail, not a word to anyone about Alex. And please don't say anything about the baby to Nana."

"I won't," Gail said, her expression sullen. "Are you going to marry him?"




"I thought you wanted a big wedding in a church, with bridesmaids and flowers and stuff like that."

"We can't always have everything we want."

"Tell me about it."

"Gail, please don't make this difficult. Maybe when this mess is straightened out, we'll have that church wedding, and you can be my maid of honor."

"You're just saying that."

"Gail, have I ever lied to you?"


"And I'm not lying now. Take care of Nana for me. I'll call when I can."

"All right." With a sniff, Gail threw her arms around her sister and hugged her tight. "Be careful."

"I will."

"Good-bye, Gail," Alex said, coming up to stand beside Kara.

" 'Bye. You'd better take good care of my sister."

"I will, don't worry."

A last hug, a last wave, and they were on their way.

"How's your side?" Alex asked after a while.

"It's fine. A little sore is all." She slid across the seat and rested her head on his shoulder. "How are you?"

"I'm all right."

"You never told me how you managed to get away."

"I bribed Hamblin."

"Again? How much did it cost you this time?"

"A hundred and fifty grand."

"Do you have that much money?"


"I guess I never realized there was so much money to be made from writing."

"It's been a lucrative career," Alex said, grinning. "I'm supposed to meet Hamblin at the bank at ten."

"How long are we going to stay in Eagle Flats?"

"I don't know. Not long. As soon as you feelup to it, we'll leave. Where would you like to go?"


"We can't stay in Moulton Bay as long as Barrett's Copyright 2016 - 2024