Deception Deception (Dark Desires Origins #2) - Nina Croft Page 0,46


Elvira leaped into action, dropping down beside him. “Oh God. Don’t die. Please don’t die!”

Chapter Nineteen

“For all evils there are two remedies—time and silence.”

—Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

What was she reading now?

Had she finished Fifty Shades? Milo had never been into bondage or any of that kinky stuff. What if she liked the idea?

Anyway, it didn’t matter. Milo had already decided he was backing off. No more kissing. And definitely no kinky stuff. She was obviously totally naive, had no experience; the decent thing was to leave her alone. Except he couldn’t stop thinking about her, what she’d feel like beneath him, or on top of him. What she’d taste like.

Maybe he’d be doing her a favor if he showed her how good ordinary sex could be. Though he had an idea there would be nothing ordinary about sex with Destiny.

All the same, he wasn’t going there.

“You know,” Dylan said. “You need to get your head straight—”

“My head is straight.”

“Ha. And you seriously need to get laid and stop thinking about Destiny. She’s way too nice for you.”

True. “I’m not thinking about Destiny.”


They were on their way to yet another committee meeting. The whole committee thing was doing his head in. Whoever had said a committee was a life form with four or more legs and no brain had been spot on. Nothing ever came of the meetings. No decisions were ever made. He presumed Luther had already decided the answers and they were just going through the motions.

“I don’t like it here,” Dylan said. “I want away from this bloody place, and back home. So we need to finish what we came to do. And find out how much of a threat Luther Kinross actually is. What are the repercussions of telling the dickhead to fuck off?”

Milo was betting rather serious. Kinross was obviously a planner. He would have foreseen that not everyone would be happy accepting him as leader. Especially as he couldn’t have predicted the end of the Trakis One and President Max Beauchamp diving headfirst into a black hole. Max had had an army on board the Trakis One, so Kinross must have had a plan to overcome that. But while they’d learned a lot from Kinross’s computer system, they hadn’t found any information on the weapons. Or about Destiny’s role. Presumably that data was stored in the parts she hadn’t been able to access. “I’ll go have another look in the tunnels tonight. My cloaking spell seems to be working. I can get in and out without anyone seeing. We’ll find out what he’s hiding down there, though I have a suspicion we’re not going to like it.”

Luther was too confident and too well prepared. He likely had something hidden away to back that up. Some sort of weapons? But something big enough to be a threat to them on another planet? They needed to know the details. And decide how they could neutralize any threat. “Maybe we should just take the bastard out,” Milo suggested.

Luther was always guarded, but between the two of them, he was sure it could be done. And they could take out that miserable bitch, Dr. Yang, as well. That would get rid of the threat to Destiny. And with a bit of luck, no one else would have a clue about her “role” and she would be free to do what she liked. Perhaps she could come back to Trakis Two with them. Live among the monsters in his new world where they no longer hid what they were. What would she think of him then?

“Maybe we should,” Dylan said, pulling him out of his daydream. “But let’s find out a few facts first.”

They were headed toward Camelot, which was how everyone referred to Luther’s headquarters—they’d be crowning him fucking King any day now. Everyone loved him. Or pretended to.

Dylan came to a halt as they passed a building site on the edge of the lake. “Do you see anything wrong with this picture?” he asked.

Milo studied the building site. It was swarming with workers in beige jumpsuits, guarded by the usual armed green-clad soldiers. He looked closer and his eyes narrowed. “They’re children.”

“Or all very short people,” Dylan said.

A little girl, she looked no more than twelve, was shoveling sand into a bucket. She had a round face and silky black hair, Chinese, at a guess. Tears made tracks through the layer of dust on her face, and her lower lip was caught between her teeth. Copyright 2016 - 2024