Deception Deception (Dark Desires Origins #2) - Nina Croft Page 0,45

hands in his pockets, staring down, tension in every inch of his body.

It wasn’t good for him, but she clamped her lips closed on the words. She didn’t think he would appreciate them right now.

He turned, ignoring her, and spoke to Silas. “Anything?”


“Damn.” Now he turned his attention to Elvira, his eyes cold as ice. She shivered. “How the hell did you let this happen?” he asked.

She wanted to point out that it wasn’t her cell that Destiny had escaped from. That maybe if they’d treated Destiny better—as she’d suggested—then she might not have done her vanishing act. Except that didn’t make sense. How had she disappeared? It was like magic. She was a scientist—she needed a rational explanation.

“She must have had help,” Luther said, and his tone held more than a hint of accusation.

“No one even knew of her existence except you, me, and Silas. Who would help her and why?” She glanced at Silas. He’d gotten on very well with Destiny the other day. “Did she say anything to you? Did she mention anyone else?”

He shook his head. “Nobody.”

“Maybe your security isn’t as good as you thought,” she said. “Or maybe you have enemies.”

“But why would they take Destiny?” Silas asked. “Why is she so important?”

“It doesn’t concern you,” Luther snapped. He glared at Elvira. “Could your records have been compromised?”

“Absolutely not. They’re on a closed system.”

“So there’s no reason for anyone to take her. Which means she wandered off on her own. Someone left the door unlocked and she just walked out. And I want the name of whoever is responsible.”

She wanted to say it wasn’t possible. Mainly because it had happened the night before Destiny had disappeared, and Elvira had given the guards a reprimand, which she was sure would have ensured no one repeated the error. But she kept her mouth closed because she didn’t have an alternative theory.

“Now she’s wandering around the goddamn planet, starving to death. Or she’s been eaten by some predator we haven’t discovered yet.” Luther took a deep breath, and Elvira could see him pulling himself together. Part of her liked to see him like this. Except she had a feeling that he held her responsible, and if Destiny wasn’t found then she would pay. Or her family would pay. Probably both.

“What’s happening with the search?” Luther asked.

“The drones are ready,” Silas said. “And we’ve called off the foot searchers. It will be easier for the drones to home in on anything of interest if we know there’s no one else out there.”

“Then go do it. Find her.”

As Silas turned to go, Elvira made to follow him. “Wait,” Luther snapped.

She didn’t want to wait. Luther felt unpredictable like this, as though he might explode at any moment and she didn’t want to be around if that happened. She licked her lips, then stopped herself.

Don’t show any weakness.

Luther took a step toward her, pointed a finger at her chest, his eyes narrowed to slits. For a moment, he looked truly evil, and her breath caught in her throat. She held herself very still.

“Know this,” he hissed, his face close to hers, “if we don’t find her, then I’ll make sure you never see your family again.”

“You can’t do that, you can’t—”

“You don’t know what I can and can’t do.”

He rubbed at his left arm and her gaze locked in on the movement. “Are you feeling all right?” she asked.

His eyes narrowed. “No I’m not feeling all-fucking-right.”

Maybe that would be the answer. If he died—

“I can see your mind working, but don’t even think it. Take my word—if I die, you’ll never see your daughters again. I have people on the Trakis Two who have orders to switch off their life support systems. They’ll suffocate in their tubes. Do you understand?”

Her mind went blank. She stood unmoving, unthinking, concentrating on the warm breeze from the open window teasing her skin. This couldn’t be happening. Not when she had come so far. Done so much.

Unfortunately, she did understand, and she wanted to scream that it wasn’t fair. Instead, she swallowed the sharp, bitter taste that rose in her throat. “This is not my fault.”

“Do you think I give a fuck?” Spittle frothed on his lips. She’d never seen him like this. He’d always been so controlled. He wiped his forehead; it gleamed with a sheen of sweat and his face was pale and blotchy. He gritted his teeth. “Understand?”

She nodded just as he clasped a fist over his heart and crashed to his Copyright 2016 - 2024