Dear Roomie (Rookie Rebels #5) - Kate Meader Page 0,87

it is.

“I haven’t seen him for months. He couldn’t even come home for Thanksgiving.”

“I had a game.”

She rubbed his jaw. “Your brother made it. And I can still miss you, can’t I? Your father’s in a bad mood. He had an argument with the Uber driver.”

Sounded about right. “Dad.” He put out his hand because that was how they always greeted each other. His father shook it wordlessly.

“This is Kennedy. My—”

“Roommate!” Nadine kissed Kennedy on both cheeks. “Bast’s been telling us all about you.”

The ever-informative Bast sat at the table and raised a beer in Reid’s direction. Big mouth.

Roommate was as adequate a description as any. She wasn’t his girlfriend, though he was about 99.99 percent sure he would jump at the chance to call her that if he thought it would work.

He wanted her to stay in Chicago with him and Bucky. It was as simple as that.

“Welcome to Chicago!” Kennedy took it upon herself to shake Henri’s hand, surprising him with her forthrightness. “How’s your hotel? Do you have a good view of the city or the river?”

Nadine slid Reid a shrewd look, the one that mothers—and stepmothers—everywhere had graduated with honors in.

“It’s lovely. We can see the Wrigley Building and part of Michigan Avenue. Very pretty at night. Now sit, sit! Let’s get some drinks in to celebrate being together with our boys—and Kennedy.”

Bast stood to hug Kennedy but first he gestured at his outfit. “French blue, Kennedy. What do you think?”

“Matches your eyes, handsome.”

As Bast wrapped Kennedy in a tight embrace, he grinned at Reid over her shoulder. “Kennedy chose my shirt.”

“Just like Mom used to,” Reid said.

Nadine gestured to them all to sit. “Kennedy, I hear you’re looking after Reid’s dog?”

“I am. But he and Reid get plenty of quality time together as well. They’re such a cute duo.”

Henri scowled. “This is the mutt you risked your career to rescue? You kept it?” He took another look at Kennedy, as if only now realizing her part in all this. Perhaps he recognized her from the video. His father rarely dwelled on details that didn’t feed his narrative.

Kennedy went on the charm offensive. Reid could have told her that was never going to work.

“Mr. Durand, don’t worry, I was there. In fact, he really jumped in for me because I was such a dummy thinking I could save this little guy. He was so brave! And Bucky’s so happy.” She grinned her dazzling smile and turned smoothly to the server, who had just arrived. “I would love a glass of Pinot Grigio.”

“Make that two!” Nadine seemed happy to have a woman in the mix. These dinners were usually dull for her. “Or maybe we should get a bottle. What do you think, Kennedy?”

“I’m game if you are, Nadine.”

Henri Durand was a handsome man, a weathered silver fox with plenty of scars from the ice battlefield to give his face character. Kennedy could see shades of Bastian in there, but that broodiness he was giving off was all Reid.

“How much longer are you in town?” Kennedy asked.

“Just a couple of days,” Nadine said. “We leave after the game. I’d like to have time to shop but you know …” She waved in explanation at her husband.

“Oh, that’s a shame you can’t stay longer. Next time, we could do something fun together.”

Next time? The only way “next time” was happening was if Kennedy slowed her roll and stayed put. Yet saying it didn’t feel wrong on her lips.

Not at all.

“I hear you used to play hockey, Mr. Durand, and that you coached the boys to greatness. You must be so proud of them.”

He muttered, “They’ve done well.” It obviously killed him to admit it, which made her want to needle him even more.

“I’ll say! Both of them at this level. That’s amazing. Learned from the best.”

He assessed her, unsure what to make of her relentless cheer. “So what do you do?”

“Oh, this and that. Yoga by trade, but I also look after dogs for a number of clients. That’s why I’m here so Reid can be assured Bucky is being cared for while he travels.”

“You’re living with Reid for the dog? Then why are you here?”

“Even dog sitters need to eat,” Reid said dryly.

“True, and this dog sitter loves to eat! As for living in, Reid was determined to keep Bucky and kenneling him while he’s away wasn’t feasible. That’s where I come in.”

She wasn’t sure why she wanted to poke at this man, maybe because his reputation Copyright 2016 - 2024