Dear Roomie (Rookie Rebels #5) - Kate Meader Page 0,86

else? It would be so easy to nudge her way into this life that didn’t really belong to her. Enjoy the comfort he offered. The peace inside these sheet walls.

But Reid could be on a different team next year, or he could get tired of her, and she would have involved herself for nothing.

The hardest things in her life had already happened to her—or so she had thought. Wrapped in the safety of Reid’s arms, she worried that relaxing her guard would put her in danger of feeling so deep all over again. Attachment is the root of all suffering. Right?

“I like my life. I like making my own way, being my own boss, deciding my own destiny.”

“You don’t have to travel halfway around the world to do any of that. All that could be achieved right here, except you’d have a network of people to rely on. A team on your side. A home, employment, security. Where were you living before here?”

She started at the abrupt query. “Before?”

“I saw your suitcase in your trunk that day at the beach. Where were you staying before here?”

“My car.”

Shocked blue eyes met hers. “Ken.”

“I’d been living at Edie’s place but her son sold it and they changed the locks. Every roommate lead had dried up but I was ever hopeful—and look, it worked out. I’ve stayed in worse places.”

“Than your car?”

She’d slept in sketchy hostels, in dark doorways, on foreign beaches. She knew what it was like to be alone, but she always made sure it was her choice. It was safer that way.

“I always manage, Reid.”

“By putting yourself in danger? Does Edie know about this?”

“No, and she won’t.”


She planted a kiss on his lips because as much as she loved listening to Reid, she didn’t want anything to ruin their final days together. In his arms, in this blanket fort, in this temporary life, she felt safe but Walt Whitman knew the score.

However sheltered the port,

However calm the waters,

You shall not anchor there.

The road was calling, and no matter how wonderful this felt in the moment, her heart might not survive a lengthier stay.


Reid parked the car about a block from the restaurant and checked his watch. Ten minutes early.

The occupant of the passenger seat wore a sexy red dress she’d borrowed from someone. Tara, she said. Reid would have bought her a dress if she needed it, but knowing Kennedy she wouldn’t take a gift.

Reid didn’t think he’d ever get tired of how the material bunched up, giving him a flash of strong, well-toned, oh-so-sexy leg. He reached over and ran a hand under the hem.

“We’re going to be late.”


She raised an eyebrow. Of course Reid would never be late, that eyebrow arch said.

“I’m sorry in advance if he’s rude. He’s kind of abrupt.”

“I’m a whizz at abrupt.” Her gorgeous grin instantly relaxed him.

His phone vibrated with a text from Bast. We’re here! Where the hell are you, bro?

One-upped him by getting here early. “Let’s go.”

“Reid.” She took his hand and returned it to where it had lain under her skirt, only now she moved it up, up, up until it reached—fuck.


“I forgot to do laundry.” She moved his hand until he finally realized the gift she was giving him.

“You’re wet. So fucking wet.”

She curled a hand around his jaw and brushed her lips over this. “Just remember that this is waiting for you when you get home.” Home. His hand positively trembled at the use of the word. It wasn’t fair, though, because she would be gone soon.

Could you call a place home if the heart of it was ripped out?

“I might need it sooner.” He ran a finger through her, turning it so the callus could have the best impact.

“Just let me know. You need a quickie in the restroom and I’ll be there,” she whispered against his lips, her eyes shutting on the pleasure he was dealing.

His phone buzzed again and she smiled. “Let’s do this.”

Smith & Jones was one of those fancy restaurants where the servings were so small that Reid knew he wouldn’t be breaking any of his diet rules tonight. Bast knew the sister-in-law of the chef, a former Marine, so they had a great table in a private alcove.

“Reid, baby!” Nadine, Henri’s third wife, jumped up on seeing him and drew him into a tight hug. “You look so good.” Nadine was pretty great and deserved a medal for her efforts in the face of his father’s crankiness.

“Nadine, don’t mollycoddle him.” Yep, there Copyright 2016 - 2024