Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,49

quite sure how to stop that shit when it was one of my primary skillsets.

The phone rang again, and I lunged for it, accepting the call the minute I saw it was Andy, before I could even figure out if I actually wanted to or not.

I mean, fuck, yes, I definitely wanted to… I just didn’t want to hear it if it was anything bad.

“Petal,” Jordan said, the smooth sound of his voice instantly washing away half my freak out.

“Uh, hey,” I said, fumbling with the earbuds I’d dropped on my desk earlier like a total douche, hands all shaky or whatnot from the other half of that freak out that was still alive and well.

I finally stopped dropping them and shoved them in my ears so I could switch the call to Bluetooth, then went back to pacing, so I didn’t implode or some shit from the jitters that had apparently decided to body snatch me now.

“You didn’t call,” Andy said. “Did you get my message?”

I swallowed. “Yeah, no. I mean, yeah, I was at the gym, and, you know, just... busy. Sorry.”

“Are you working today?” he asked.

I laughed, squeezing my eyes closed. “Uh, just busy with the channel. My YouTube channel? I don’t actually work.”

“That sounds like work.”

Fuck yeah, it was. But—

“I don’t have an actual job, though,” I clarified, which was probably going to make him think I was a huge loser.

“Really?” he asked, voice still completely Andy-nice instead of what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-you. “You support yourself just with your channel?”

“Yep,” I said, which was basically true at this point. I mean, it was still a motherfucking scramble and I never knew if I’d have enough on a month-to-month basis, and I had no, like, benefits or anything, and I definitely wouldn’t be buying a little slice of suburbia like he had anytime soon—or ever—but I mean… yeah. It pretty much paid the bills. I didn’t starve.

“That’s amazing, Jordan,” Andy said, which was definitely overstating the case. “You’re incredible.”

I rolled my eyes. “Dude, it’s just a few vids of me shaking my ass. Don’t get excited.”

“Your ass is always going to get me excited,” he said, making my cock start to swell. So maybe this was actually a booty call after all, and not just him calling to call it off? Fuck, I hoped so. “But I’ve seen your videos,” he went on. “And they’re a lot more than just that. You obviously put a lot of work into the channel.”

“I mean, I have to if it’s going to pay the rent,” I said, really wanting to bet back to the part about him liking my ass.

Did he want me to come over, or what?

I kicked the edge of my futon, on the verge of asking when he beat me to it.

“So when you’re done, do you have plans tonight?”

I grinned, a whole damn wave of relief washing through me. “Yeah,” I joked. “Got a hot date lined up.”


“Dude, I’m kidding.”

“Ah, okay,” he said, making me want to kick myself for being stupid, since he obviously hadn’t thought that was funny.

Fuck. Why the fuck had I even said it?

Andy cleared his throat. “We haven’t really talked about it, Jordan, but are you… is that something you’re still doing? With other people, I mean?”

Why, was he? And could we just, like, hook up without discussing this shit, please? I didn’t want to think about Andy with other guys, and I for damn sure didn’t want to talk about it.

“Jordan, answer me.”

Fuck. I sank down onto my futon and squeezed my eyes closed, leaning back against the wall. “No, dude, you know I don’t date. It was just a joke. I haven’t even…” I had to clear my throat. “Haven’t hooked up with anyone else since you.”

Didn’t even want to, because I really was a fucking idiot.

Obviously, I was way more into this Daddy bullshit than I’d ever thought I’d be, but the thing was, the idea of doing it with anyone but him was just… no. But the fastest way to lose a good thing? Try and hold onto it. I knew that, didn’t need it rubbed in my face, thank you very much, and fuck him if he was going to make me admit it out loud just so he had an excuse to call me clingy and end this shit before it got all serious and whatnot.

“Look, dude, I gotta go,” I said, bouncing to my feet as my stomach turned into a sickening knot. “Maybe we can catch Copyright 2016 - 2024