Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,48

a word in edgewise here?”

“Fine,” Kate huffed. “We were just talking.”

“And you were the one who said you wanted to talk about Jordan,” Lizzie added.

“Seriously,” Kate said. “You could have just messaged like a normal person if you didn’t want to have an actual conversation, you know.”

I grinned despite myself. Did they drive me crazy? Yes. But did I adore them anyway? Also yes.

“I’ll keep it in mind for next time,” I said, knowing damn well I was about to unleash a whole new level of crazy when I added, “But I actually called to tell you that I’m bringing him home for Christmas.”

“What?” Lizzie blurted after a few seconds of stunned silence.

“Who?” Kate asked, sounding confused.

“Wait… you mean Jordan?” Lizzie gasped.

“No,” Kate said. Then, “Oh my God, really, Andy?”

I pulled the phone away from my ear, trying to preserve my ear drums as they both squealed, then shaking my head with a laugh as they immediately started talking over each other again, their enthusiasm for the idea tumbling out too fast for me to make any sense of.

“I’m hanging up now,” I said, which I was pretty sure neither girl heard. “Love you both. We’ll make plans later. Bye.”

Well, they already were making plans, from the sound of it, but that was fine. I’d wanted to give them a heads-up and make sure they were going to make Jordan feel welcome, but I probably should have just called my Mom or William instead about the logistics instead, and let them break the news to the girls.

And of course there was still the matter of Jordan saying yes, but I’d deal with that after I had a shower.

It had been two days since he’d come over and swallowed my cock, and even though he wasn’t ignoring my messages like he had after the first time, he hadn’t suggested a repeat yet, and I hadn’t pushed him to get together in person again since I hadn’t wanted to be an asshole if he needed a little breathing room.

I’d figured out on my run this morning that that had been a mistake, though. Space wasn’t what Jordan needed at all. He needed a Daddy, and he needed me to show him I could be that.

Somewhere he couldn’t run away from me.



I stared at my phone, my knee bouncing like crazy, and tried to figure out what Andy wanted.

I’d missed a call from him when I’d been at the gym earlier, but there was no voicemail, and then had come… this. He’d messaged and told me to call him. Just that. Call me. Like, what the fuck did that mean? Did he want to hook up again? He hadn’t said so since the last time, but now it was like, the middle of the day on a Saturday, so he probably had other shit to do and wasn’t going to just want me to come over and fuck all afternoon, which left, what? Was he calling to tell me to lose his number? He’d wanted me to stay after I’d blown him the other night—again, like, the dude was fucking obsessed with me staying past us both getting off for some reason—and I hadn’t, because obviously that would have been dumb.

But now… what? He was just dropping me because of that?

“Fuck,” I said, my throat feeling all tight and shit. I tossed my phone aside and shoved out of my chair, scrubbing my fingers over my scalp as I paced.

I’d meant to work on some editing for the channel after I got back from the gym, but I couldn’t get my brain to fucking settle down and focus on it, not with Andy’s message hanging over my head.

My phone suddenly went off again, the sound sending my heart into my throat, and I whipped around to stare at it from across the room like I suddenly thought I’d turned psychic now or something. Spoiler: I hadn’t, but like, who ever called? No one, that was who. Well, Nic did, and now Andy, but everyone else just hit me up with text since this wasn’t 1980 or whatever. So… yeah. Psychic or not, it was still a pretty safe bet that it was probably him, since I knew Nichol was off doing some stupidly romantic Scott-thing this weekend.

I stared at the phone even harder, and eventually, it stopped ringing.

So was that it, then?

He was done with me?

“Fucking fuck,” I whispered, pretty sure I was somehow being a total fucking idiot right now, but not Copyright 2016 - 2024