Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,36


I grinned. “Getting some?”

“Yes, bitch. Scott’s about to go down on me, so unless this is an emergency—”

“It is,” I cut in. “I was thinking of hitting Andy up again tonight, but what if he blows me off?”

“I hate you,” she said, then covered the receiver and said something to her man, all muffled, before coming back to me. “Okay, two minutes, so listen fast, because I don’t have time to sugar coat it for you, boo. You’re right. He might blow you off, because you pulled a dick move. You let him get you off, then failed to reciprocate, then ghosted him, then stole his coat.”

“Thanks,” I said sarcastically, my throat feeling tight. “That’s exactly what I was hoping to hear.”

“Fuck you, I wasn’t done. And therefore, if you’ve finally pulled your head out of your ass, you need to ambush him. He was really fucking into you, and I bet he’ll forgive you, but you need to go do it in person so he’s forced to think with his dick when you go down on your knees, apologize, and beg him to be your Daddy again, got it?”

“What, just show up? What if he’s got someone over already?” My resting heart rate suddenly tripled, my hands getting all sweaty and just… fuck. “You know what, nevermind. This was a dumb idea. He’s probably already written me off. Go get some face from your man. I’ll just—”

“Jordan Joseph Wendt,” she shouted, shutting me up. “Do not make me fly out there and spank you. That’s your Daddy’s job, so get your ass over there and get on his cock.”

I swallowed, my knee bouncing. “Can’t. I had El Toro for lunch.”

I could practically hear her rolling her eyes at me. “So just blow him. You owe him that anyway.”

But I’d already offered and he’d turned me down. Twice.

“He didn’t want me to.”

She made a rude sound. “Shut up, everyone wants you to blow them. Your mouth is so pretty that your lips deserve their own IG account. Now quit stalling. You know you just called because you needed me to tell you to do it, and I’m telling you. Do it. Andy’s exactly what you need, I'm even more convinced of it now than before, so get over there and don’t fuck it up again, because Jordan? I love you, but your two minutes is up.”

Well… fuck.

Maybe if she’d stayed on the line with me I would have let her talk me into it—just showing up, dropping to my knees, and hoping for the best—but since I couldn’t quite stomach the thought of having Andy reject me to my face, after Nic ended the call, I opened up his text thread and tapped the little mic icon in the text bar, hoping she was right about my mouth being tempting enough to make Andy overlook the whole ghosting-him thing.

“Hey, Daddy,” I dictated fast, before I lost my nerve. “I still owe you a BJ. Wanna collect tonight?”

I hit send, then immediately second, third, and fourth-guessed myself.

Okay, fuck. I definitely should have thought that out better. At least apologized first, right? He hadn’t even tried to text me again today, so he was obviously already over it. Shit, what if he’d blocked me? But no, it already showed that my message had gone through, and almost right away, it switched colors, showing as read. And then—fuck fuck fuck—three dots appeared, making my stomach go all squirrelly.

I stared hard at the message that popped up a second later, not sure whether it was a good sign or a bad one that he’d replied so fast. It was too many words for just “fuck off,” but damn, I mean, what were the chances it wasn’t? Slim to none, probably. But… shit. He had been really into me, and he was way too fucking nice, so… maybe?

“Fuck it,” I said, swiping the button to make my phone read me his text.

“I’ll be home in half an hour, petal. See you there.”

I grinned, then scrubbed a hand over my mouth to quit looking like a fucking moron and started up my car. I mean, Andy hadn’t specifically said we were good, but “petal” was so cheesy and ridiculous that I hadn’t even mentioned it to Nic, and I told that girl everything... but no one was going to set you up just to tell you to fuck off if they started out with something like petal, right?

Of course I beat him there, though. What the Copyright 2016 - 2024